Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers

~It was a few weeks back but...I really HATE losing time!! I am all for when we gain that hour in the fall BUT when we lose an hour...ARGH!!!

~Did you know that IF and WHEN you get your tubes tied it is just a 1/500 chance of not getting pregnant!!! Here I thought it was a sure thing...100% no question. Today I learnt something new!!

~ARGH!!! It is snowing like crazy again!! It is really hard to believe that Spring arrived Sunday!!

~Hubby started his construction business this past is to hoping it all goes well!!
One River Construction Inc.

~ WOW!! I did not know a baby could spit up so much and still remain hydrated!! Meme had a bad day for this on Tuesday and it had Momma so worried.

~ It was so very nice to sleep in a bed instead of on the couch...I hope this continues.

~ Meme is now moved into 3-6 month clothes. :( They grow so fast.

~ A baby's soother is a mothers snooze button!!

~ We have received SOOO much snow this week!! I am really missing spring and being able to go outside to play. SPRING please come fast...or maybe just jump right to SUMMER. Wishful thinking EH?!?

~We had a really good sleeping pattern going on...key word HAD!! This week Meme has decided to throw it out the back door and that Mommy does NOT need anymore sleep than 4 hours!!

~I am sure there is more to post BUT my brain is gone this week...maybe I will catch up next week!!

Want more Friday Night Leftovers? Go visit the host HERE!


  1. Stopping in from FNL.

    We have a spit up problem too.
    I agree about losing an hour-ugh!
    I have slept on the couch a few nights b/c of a fussy, gassy baby.

  2. Popping in from FNL...

    We have had MAJOR sleep regressions in our house the past month. I'm a walking zombie!!

  3. stopping in from FNL..

    TOTALLY agree with the soother comment, I plug that in and get an extra half hour all the time!

  4. Meme, go to bed - you are going to make your mommy crazy!

    And yeah, I knew about the tubes tied thing because when we were in highschool a friend's mom got pregnant after having her tubes tied. This was going to be like baby 7 for that mom (and her oldest was in grade 10) - eek hey!

  5. We're still impacted by the time change. It sucks! I tried to boycott, but apparently that doesn't work out so well.

    I'm ready for spring as well and we got snow today (which is unheard of here).

    Have a great week!
