Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Week 6

Here is how week 6 is going:
  • So last night we are all hanging out on the couch and Tornado starts to rub my belly and says "It's getting bigger already Mom!" so very excited and continues to on to say "And it is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger all the way to here!! (motioning with his hands to an unrealistic size LOL)"

  • We are outside BBQing dinner and Grandpa asks Tornado what he wants a baby brother or a baby sister? Tornado "I want 2!!" LMFAO Than we are at the dinner table eating and John asks him what he wants and again Tornado replies "I want 2!!" This son of mine is determined he is going to get 2 and I really hope he is not correct...I have no idea what I would do with twins!! The suspense is killing me!!

  • So this pregnancy I can not stand the smell of certain foods being cooked!! John has made b/fast for himself every morning and URGH the smell just hits me like a rock :( Good thing I have not eaten yet or it may be revisiting me. LOL

  • Monday June 28 2010 Tornado kept following me around with a blanket telling to cover up the baby!! "The baby is cold mommy" is all he kept saying to me!!! LOL I would like to know how he thinks the baby is cold when it is 20+ outside!!

  • I must add too it has been since Friday June 18 2010, when we found out, that I have had a coca cola, and for all of you that know me KNOW that is what I always drink!! And I was only having one cup of coffee up until Thursday June 24 2010 that is the day I switched to decaf!! :) These are HUGH achievements that I felt I needed to share! LOL

  • So yesterday morning was horrible :( so today I decided not to have decaf coffee and see if that was it. Conclusion Nope that was not it so at about 11am I find myself making myself some decaf coffee :) Who ever came up with morning sickness must of hated Woman!! LOL

So that wraps up week 6 onto week 7 :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Weeks 1-5

Ok so update on how the first 5 weeks have gone:

  • Had what I thought was a horrible cold and took advil cold and sinus :(

  • Went on rides at Calaway Park with Tornado :(

  • Sprayed ant killer all over our backyard :(

  • Took birth control because who knew I was preggo

  • That all of the above is what not to do well preggo. LOL but how did I know!!

  • Each morning I would wake up I would feel alittle sick but I just blew it off BUT now I know it was the little one messing around with me :) I can handle that for a new little one :)

  • After I found out I stopped drinking Coca~cola, and I must say that is a HUGH step for me!! I also stopped drinking coffee, except one cup in the morning. Today, June 23 2010 is really bad I just want another cup of coffee!!! Fighting the urgh!!

  • Backaches are crazy!! If I stand for too long OMG my back kills me!!

  • My hips hurt like crazy in week 5 and I feel bloated. (looked it up and it is normal thank goodness!!)

  • Found out last night (June 22 2010) that my pants hurt my belly!! Gave me really bad cramps and as soon as I took them off I was fine again. REALLY!!??!! I need new pants already. HMMM

  • John cooked breakfast this morning (June 23 2010) and OMG it made me feel soooooooo nauseous :( very sad because I LOVE hashbrowns with ham and peppers :(

That about wraps up the first 5 weeks!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tell Tornado The Baby News

Mom "do you want to big brother?"

Tornado's eyes light right up and he says "YES" well nodding his head.

"What would you like more a baby brother or baby sister?"

Tornado says "Both, I want both!!"

Mom and dad laugh and say "I hope not!!" I could not imagine having twins!! But Tornado is convinced he will get both. LOL

So he has now picked names:
Baby brother is Harold and Baby sister is Becky

He is also spilling the beans to people. LOL


Payge says "do you want to pretend to be the brother?" there were playing with action figures
and Tornado shot the most horrible look at her and said "NO I am GOING to be big brother!!" Payge looks at me and says I didn't know you were pregnant and Tornado says "YES there is a baby in my Mom's tummy!"


He tells Grandpa D "I'm going to be a big brother to my baby brother Harold and baby sister Becky!" LOL Grandpa D looks very shocked and says "What?" Tornado says "Mom has a baby in her tummy!" OH Grandpa D. was so very excited!!! I wish I could have gotten it on tape!!

Now if only Tornado could do posts for me he could spill the beans that way!! LOL

Doctors Appointment Tuesday June 22 2010

So I went off to the doctors today and had the privilege of peeing in a cup for them to confirm the pregnancy. Come on now I know all of you are sooo jealous and wish you too could pee in a cup. LOL After I pee in the cup I get put into the room and I wait and wait and wait...come on now just come in here now!! I don't have patience when I am made to wait!! LOL The Dr.Z comes in and plays dumb with me!! LOL

"So what are you here for? It has been a while!" Dr.Z

I say "well I believe I am pregnant!"

He giggles and says "YES you sure are!"

Than we go through all the normal stuff last menstrual cycle, due date etc. and that was it!! I was shocked the first time around my doctor did the whole prenatal examine right there and set up the first ultrasound and everything!! Well now I get to go for blood work, WOOHOOO, and go back on July 23 for the examine.

So until than keep smiling :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

We Are Having A BABY!!!

Friday night (June18 2010) I say to John "We may have problem"

John says "Oh ya what is that?"

I say "Well I am supposed to be on my period and I start the pill again on Monday and it is now Friday and usually I start Wednesday and still nothing" At this point I am freaking out inside because John does not want another baby!! I have stewed about it all day long and how the heck am I going to bring it up to him and than Tornado was a child from hell...and OMG nothing was going my way!! John says "Really? well you better not take your pill till you know for sure. Maybe you should run and grab a test." It is now 9ish at night!! So I grab my keys and purse and run to Safeway to pick up a test.

I go up to the till and the cashier says "OhNo" and I say "Ya OhNo" LOL

Come on home and take the test and right away 2lines pop up...Pregnant!!

So I go out to the living room and sit down and stir about how I am gonna tell him it said YES. I say after bout 10minutes of sitting there "I am pregnant"

Johns says "REALLY" I say "Yes"

In the end John is really excited about this!! :) Totally unexpected pregnancy and reaction!!

I look up on the computer when I am due and how far along I says 5weeks and 2days and due date is Feb.15 2010!! I am still confused by the 5 weeks thing but I guess I am a week late and well I am 100% when I started my last cycle, so it is what it is.

Now the hard part, he doesn't want to tell anyone till I am 12 weeks....we shall see when I just can't contain it is already killing long can I last....

You will all find out when I post this one!!!

PS: Tornado spilled the beans to almost everyone so now I must spill the beans to all my blog friends too!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Checking Out The Water Pump

Trying to figure out how the water comes out!
Get Ready...Get Set...JUMP!!

Very happy the water is coming out :)

Ok that's all!!
This is after our walk after we got rained on!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Slam Dunk!!

3 Points for Dad!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day 2010

WOW oh WOW!! This son of ours really ruined Father's Day :( He was a little shit head on Mother's Day and now Father's Day :(
We wake up and give Dad his present and card!! Tornado had picked out a thing to paint and give to him :) That was probably the only good part of our day. I go have a shower to get ready to go to Heritage Park. Come out and Tornado has a cheese bun for breakfast...well this cheese bun took him 2.5 hrs to eat!!! It was a long ass battle and OMG child WHY?!?! So after that fight we say ok lets still go to heritage park and try to make something good out of the day!! We get there, buy the passes, get pictures done and on our merry way we go. Everything is good so far :) Than we go past the rides and Tornado wants to go on them. Dad says ok after I go to the washroom we will go on them!! "THAT'S STUPID!" Dad and Mom warn him to change his attitude or he will not be going on the rides at all!! "I HATE YOU!! THAT'S STUPID!! THAT'S DUMB!!" and on and on :( So Dad goes to the washroom and we continue on our merry way...well not so merry now. Tornado decided to jump up and down and scream because he lost his privilege to go on the rides with Daddy. At this point Dad is done and fed up and just wants to go home :( So we start our journey back to the van :( What a shitty outing that was!!
We get home and it continues :( I go off to Co-op to grab the fruit and veggies for the week and I guess well I was gone Tornado says "Daddy I'm sorry for wrecking Father's Day" AWE now that is sweet!! You would think he would now be good...NOT A HOPE IN HELL!!! We had BBQ for Grandpa D. and Dad and that was ok but Tornado was still an ass to Dad :( and than he fell asleep at about 8pm on the couch.
That is how this Father's Day went...
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all those Dad's and Dad's to be!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Son Has Been Invaded

WOW oh WOW!! So my son has grown horns, a tail and a pitchfork!! Seriously he has!! He was so incredibly misbehaved last week I had no idea what to do or think of this child of mine. He would not play, he would not do crafts, he would not watch his favorite shows, he would not do anything but ANNOY the hell outta Mom!! His favorite phrases:
"This is stupid"
"You're dumb" or "This is dumb"
He would say that over EVERYTHING!!! It drove me batty and he spent more time in his room the past week than I have ever had to send him there in the past 4yrs!! He would hit, kick, scream...everything you can think of he sure did it!!
Friday night was the worst night of all!! He would not eat his dinner at all. Kept yelling at us!! Got right in our faces and would not move!! Kept grabbing my Sudoku book and throwing it!! Kept attacking me, LOL. In the end we had to put him in his room for good, probably for his safety. LOL That is where he FINALLY fell asleep!!
But I have no idea where this child came from but can I please please please have my little angel back before it drives me to the batty bin!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What A Kid!!

The things my son comes up with:
  • He is standing on my foot stool. I tell him to get down/off. He starts to get off and it tips over. I say "See you could of gotten hurt, next time listen please" He looks at me with this grin on his face and says "But I didn't" and gives me a hugh smile from ear to ear. LOL

  • J got a new job, YES!!!! Tornado is very excited and has to call him to say "Dad you got a new job, that is really nice!! Good bye love you!"

  • J wakes up today and Tornado says "Dad are you going to your new job?" Dad says "Nope not today, not for 2 weeks. I still need to go to my old job till than." Tornado replies "Oh ok. Mom he has to go to his old job for 2 weeks. (lol like I had no idea lol) BUT when he starts his new job we are going to have LOTS of money!!" and gives me the biggest smile ever.

  • "When I am a grown up I am going to have LONG legs! But don't worry when I am a grown up I will still be your buddy and I will still snuggle!!"

  • We are looking at the weekly flyers, yes I am a flyer freak, and Tornado is sitting there looking at them with me and he gets out his pen circles a product and says "Good price HUH!"

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Our Adventure Walk Well Camping ~ June 2010

Looking for rocks to skip across the water.
ps. Mommy sucks at skipping rocks
One of my many attempts to skip rocks!!
LOL Dad trying to splash Tornado with a HUGH rock LOL
HAHAHA Dad you missed
Winding up!!
Short toss
WOW a picture of me!!! That never happens
Throwing rocks into the water= Tons of fun
He would still be there doing it if we didn't tell him it was time to go!!
Taking a walk through the forest!! Tornado's words :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Weekend Adventure June 2010

Before you start reading please forgive me if I have left any words out here and there. I have not read it over and I am just hoping it is good to go!!

Friday night:
Packed up and set out to go camping.
Stopped for KFC on the way because we started off later than expected.
Got to camp!! Got the same spot as last year!! Start to set up.
Get everything set up and go to pay and get firewood. Time now is about 9pm I think.
Boys get back and J goes to turn off his's gone!! OMG 600.00 phone GONE!!! So off I run to where I got reception last year to phone it. We figured it fell off in the KFC when we stopped for dinner. Get to the spot no reception!! SHIT!! Run back to the site, search the truck a bazillion times and all around the site and than decide to check inside the tent...BINGO!! It had fallen off in the tent and was hiding out under our cots!! PHEW!!!
Next start a fire. Sit around the fire and relax.
Than Tornado wants to go to bed so off Tornado and I go.
That night I had the shittiest sleep ever!! Tornado was wheezing like mad!! It started to rain in the middle of the night and OMG it was SOOO loud. (I am not a heavy sleeper so this kept me up) AHHHHHHH!! Combination of the rain and waking up to listen to Tornado's breathing and giving him his inhalers in well he slept and well waking up FREEZING meant I got no sleep or very little that is.
Saturday Morning:
Woke up to soaked chairs and blankets, no one put them away before bed time so the rain washed them up for us!!
Made breakfast, which my hash browns were a flop but we still ate them we're camping who cares!!!
Cleaned up the dishes.
Went for a walk and got soaked!! Because well it decided to rain half way through!! LOL Before this we would not let Tornado walk in the river because we didn't want him to get wet! LOL But it was fun so who cares!! Than the sun came out just as we got back to camp!!
Set up our tarp because the weather could not make up it's mind!! It was really crazy weather the whole time we were out there!! I think this is the first time in FOREVER that I can remember it raining on us when we have gone camping, LUCKY DUCKS!! But it was still tons of fun because we did get out and were able to do things because the rain came and went so much!!
Lunch time now...we all just picked
Tornado and I played Go Fish and Tornado won and he says "YES NOW GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY!!!" LMFAO
Than Tornado had a nap. (thank goodness because well he was sick and all the rest he gets is best!!) J and I played crib well he napped and YES I double skunked him!!! WHHOOOOHOOOOO!!!
Tornado wakes up and it is supper time.
We all go into Grandpa D.'s van to cook the spaghetti and play Skip-bo. Well in there Tornado's breathing is getting worse and worse and well we have already given him his inhaler 7times in less than 24hrs. So we have a little powwow about what to do. The end result packing up at 9pm at night to go home.
Tornado is very very sad that we are going home but we tell him it is ok we will go again and the weather is crappy so it is better to go home.
We packed up in 45minutes, I think that is a record for us!! As we are packing up we are like are we over reaching, cuz we do tend to overreact at times and we know it, would other parents really be packing up at 9pm at night to go home!! But that never stopped us from packing up BUT the thoughts were still there.
Tornado is still wheezing like mad so we get into the truck and start the 1hr 45minute ride home, thinking he will get better as we drive.
Get home about 12ish, ya midnight!! SOOO tired...come in to have a shower and get all nice and clean but WTH no hot water. GRRRRR FINE I will just go to bed. Come and snuggle up with Tornado on the couch and his wheezing is HORRIBLE so we decided to give him his inhaler for the 8th time in 24hrs at 130am. WOW!! That worked like a charm so 2am J and I decided to go to sleep.
330am Tornado wakes up in a panic because he is having a hard time breathing. I get up calmly and say ok lets go get your inhaler, not knowing the time, look at the clock and have to rub my eyes and take a closer look. "Are you kidding me!!" Ok time to wake up Daddy and start our adventure to the hospital. Poor guy couldn't even speak sentences that well or take a small sip of water without gasping after for air. On the way to the hospital he got sick all over his blanket. :( so no blanket for the hospital now. lol
Get to the Children's hospital and they take us right in, no admin no nothing just straight back. The admin. person came to us in our room. WOW J and I look at each other and wonder if we waited too long. We have never had to deal with his asthma being so bad before. Usually it is a few puffs here and there and DONE!! So this was pretty scary for us!!
They come in and started him on the blue inhaler and a green inhaler that stunk, it smelt like that color spray you use at Halloween!! He got 6puffs of each every 20 minutes, and I thought 8puffs in 24hrs from us was CRAZY!!! LOL He also got some liquid steroids. Let's not forget he also got 2 Popsicles. Dad also went to Timmy's for us, thank goodness we needed coffee!!! So Tornado also got a chocolate donut!! YUMMIE!! This kid is gonna love going to the hospital now. LOL I honestly couldn't tell you how long we were there BUT we learnt alot of good information and know in the future if he needs his blue inhaler we can give it to him. We also learnt he was a level 5 when he came in and it goes all the way to 12!!! Level 5 was enough for me and I would not want to see any child any higher than that!!!
So we get home at about 745 am and YES Tornado is asleep!!! So we all crash!! 1000am Tornado is up, are you kidding me child I am sooo tired!!! He had soo many steroids that sleep was not on the top of his list!! So I stumble out to the living room where I thought he would just let me crash on the couch well he watched t.v. NOPE no such luck. I was sooo tired that I felt sick and had a pounding headache but OH well Mom's jobs are to push through it, right!?!?! So I finally got a power snooze, 20minutes but I'll take it, well he watched t.v. and WOW that made it soo much better!!!
We still had the truck to unload, prescription for Tornado to get, laundry from camping, lets not forget we all had to eat still too, grocery shopping(ya that didn't happen lol) and we all needed showers!!! BUT I was dead to the world and sooo sick now!!! I guess the lack of sleep and stress just got me. GAH!!
So we unload the truck, cook breakfast (OMG you should see the mess that was created in the process of this), and than veg out on the couch all day long!!
I manage to get the energy to go get Tornado's medicine. So I first go to Safeway, it is close to home and I can grab a few groceries, right? NOPE The pharmacy there wanted to give Tornado 5 tsp of the steroids every time!! YEAH I said 5 tsp!! I was like WTH are you kidding me!!! With a start face she said no. I was like well he only had 1tsp at the hospital so I think you are crazy!!! Well we usually give pills... I cut her off He is 4yrs old, just turned 4 and you expect me to give him pills!!! Are you nuts lady!!! She said yes just make him take them. I was like umm thanks but no I will go to Shoppers. Grabbed the presciption back out of her had and walked away. Go to Shoppers and look at that they have the right stuff. Lesson learned: Don't go to Safeway EVER for meds. just drive a few extra blocks to Shoppers where they know what they are doing!!
So get home and veg out more on the couch. I have never been sooo lazy!! I think the last time I was this lazy was when I was forced to be on bed rest when I was preggo!!
I am sure I have left some things out of my weekend but for now that is it that is all!!
Hope you all enjoyed reading it. LOL

Monday, June 7, 2010

Our Camping Trip At Our Site!!

Cleaning up the mess the previous campers left...they were NOT very responsible and really made a BIG mess of nature!!
Time to play badminton!!!
Grandpa D. and Tornado setting up his play tent!!
Weather was CRAZY!! Rain...Sun...Hail...Sun...Rain...Sun So in the end we set up a tarp to stay nice and dry!!
Nap time!!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Tornado LOVES to balance things on his head now and whenever he does it he says...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

He Really Gets It!!

This is how our conversation went this morning:

Tornado "Mom can I watch a movie on my PSO(psp)"

Me "Yes you sure can BUT it is a PSP not PSO"

Tornado "OK!! You pick"

Me "Ok no problem" :)

So I put in Toy Story and create a safe spot for it for him to watch while he eats.

Tornado "MOM the cowboy (woody) is talking and moving!!!" with such excitement!!

Me "Ya isn't that neat!!!"

Tornado "MOM even the army is talking moving and the Slinky and the..." he continues to tell me each and every toy that comes on the screen!!

Me "Isn't that neat!!! ALL the toys move and talk when Andy is not in the room!!"
Tornado "WOW!!!" and than he continues to watch it with a HUGH smile on is face.

Priceless moments of being a parent!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Family Bday Get Together!!

Very Happy To See His Presents!!
Loved "Happy Birthday Song"
The little bugger walks up to this present and says "I bet you this is the batman cave!!"
Smartie Pants
His BIG present from Mom and Dad!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Son Is 4!!!!!!!

For his birthday we usually go to Calaway Park and Drumheller Museum BUT unfortunately the weather did not agree with us for Calaway and finances were not there for the trip out to Drum!! So in the end we went to Chuck E Cheese and than Montana's for lunch!! It turned out to be a really good day. :)
Very Happy That He Got Sang To!!
At first this scared the crap outta him because they rang the VERY loud bell and yelled across the restaurant!!
Everyone Please Clear The Streets You Are Not Safe!!
Lots Of Concentration Going On Here!! :)
In the evening we had a family get together for him!! Pictures are to follow.