Friday, June 3, 2011

One Happy Momma!!!!!

I am one happy Momma today!!!! My little girl made the top 98 with the help from all of you!!!!

Thank you to everyone who helped Meme get in the top 98 out of 1333 kidlets!!!

Now it is time to vote for the grand prize!!! You can vote every hour!! If it says 'Thank you for your vote' it is not time to vote has to say 'Vote 10 for the cutest...'

Thank you for all your help...lets see if she can win the Grand Prize!!

Here is the link:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Going Some Where!!

May 2008 2 year picture

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cutest Kid

We need all the votes we can get!! Please go to this site and vote for Meme!! You can vote every day!!!

Cutest Baby Contest

Thank you!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Look Who Is 3 Months Old!!!

WOW 3 Months old already!! How time flies by!!!

At 3 months old Meme is:

75% for weight....14lbs!!! (If you are thinking she was just 12lb 14oz 2 weeks ago you are right!!) I asked the doctor to double check the weight because Mommy was in shock. LOL

90% for height...62cm!!

40cm for your head.

You have more than doubled your birth weight now!! WOW!!! Great job Meme!!

You absolutely HATE HATE HATE tummy time now. :( You used to LOVE it. But now you even get mad if we put you on our chest to burp you.

You DO NOT like laying down at all!!

You are starting to really hate your car seat.

You do not like to smile for the camera or talk for the video camera.

What do you like:

LOVE BATHS!! I think that is your favorite time of the day.

ABSOLUTELY LOVE your big brother!! Sometimes I have to get Tornado to go away when you are eating because all you will do is smile and talk to him. It is so sweet to watch you little face light up everytime you see Tornado!!

Really like your swing now too!! The motion is just the most WONDERFUL thing in the world!!

LOVE to suck and chew on your fingers and fists.

Like to watch T.V. with Tornado.

You still have your acid reflex and spit up in a nightmare...I know I know everyone wonders how the heck can it be a nightmare with how chubby you are...BUT it really is!! There are times I am so worried you have spit up all of your bottle. Those are the times I have to remind myself that you are a chubby little thing and will be just fine. :)

You are so aware of things now. You LOVE the toys on your swing and are always grabbing at them and moving them around. You startle yourself at times because of the nose they make. LOL

Overall you are a pretty happy baby who LOVES to smile and talk!!

Your Big Brother just LOVES you!!!

Had put the soother in your mouth because well you were SO done with pictures!!

3 month photo with Big Brother :)

And another. Tornado just wanted me to keep snapping pictures.


Love the smirk on her face!!

SUCCESS!!! Got a picture of you smiling!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter Hunt 2011

1. Buzz Lightyear is trying to steal the candy!!!

Tornado was not IMPRESSED with this at all!!

2. Tornado was SUPER excited when he woke up and seen the basket full of candy on the table!!

3. The Shark must of come to life too and thought he deserved some chocolate!

4. Hmmm I think the Easter Bunny was trying on Tornado's clothes too!!

5. Tornado's FAVORITE!!! PEEPS!!! aka: Birdies :)

6. Star Wars Lego Guys!! (One of Tornado's favorite right now!!)

7. The Hunt is on...well for one that is!! Meme is just chillin' :)

8. Look at that smirk!! She is so proud of herself for stealing her big brothers candy!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Meme's 2.5 Month Photos

I must apologize for the lines in the photos...

apparently my scanner is a piece of crap now.

But if you can look past the lines...

I guarantee you will LOVE the photos!!

Teaching her young!!



They would not look the same way!! So I had to settle for different directions!!

Now you have seen the photos I have a story to share:

How much did I pay for these photos?!?!

Hubby says WAY WAY WAY too much!! He bought me a camera for a reason and thinks I no longer need to pay for photos.

I say I still need these photos because I can not set up the props like this or get such great photos like these!! I use my camera ALL the time and have gotten some REALLY good ones BUT nothing like these.

I did not spend over $100 before taxes. I got 8 - 5x7 photos and 4 wallets. I think that was an OK deal. For Tornado's preschool photos I paid $22.00 for 2 - 5x7 and you CAN NOT get more than 1 pose unless you want to pay another $22.00 for a second sheet.

I dunno maybe I am blinded by photos and that is why I do not think I got ripped off. Do I think that was expensive? YES!! BUT I LOVE the poses!!

Priceless Memories I want to keep!!

And these photos are so GREAT I did not want to pass them up.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Meme's 2 Month Update

WOW!!! You started off sooo very small...

BUT it did not take you long to sprout!!

At 2 months old you are 12lbs 14oz and 22.6 inches long with a head of 39.2 cm!!

You sure have grown!! Visit Birth Story to compare!!

I am all about the percent so I will share that too:

weight is 97%

height is 45-50%

overall PERFECT!! (really I can not remember what the overall was. lol)

SO here it is I have a tubby short baby girl called Meme!!

All ready for summer to arrive!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Things Kids Say/Do!!

Are There Any Buddha's In Our House?!?!

According to my 4.5 year old there sure is!!!

Grandpa D. is upstairs having a visit and we are talking about how tubby Meme is.

Grandpa D. says 'Too bad we don't have a Buddha in our house to compare her too.'

Tornado responds 'We do Grandpa!! My Daddy, You and Meme are Buddhas!!!'

OH I laughed so hard!!

How My Son Makes Me Laugh!!

~We are driving along the ring road, on our way to a play date, and Tornado says to me 'Mom look those buildings are making clouds for us!!' He was very excited that there were cloud makers!!

~ I tell Tornado that Grandma and Papy are coming over for coffee. Tornado replies 'How about 2 cups of coffee!!'

~ I am mopping away when all of a sudden my mop falls apart!! I hear a voice from across the room 'Now why did you go and do that Mom'

~His all time favorite phrase for the month of March... 'Oh well live with it!'

~I am getting ready one day and Tornado comes up to me and asks 'Are those Pajama jeans?'

Oh the things kids come up with!! I just LOVE it!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers!!

WOW!! I have missed FNL the past few weeks and not because of lack of things to say!! I have LOTS to say just not LOTS of time!!

~First things first...this week has been a very trying week with my 4, almost 5 year old son!! He got in trouble at school. SERIOUS TROUBLE TOO!! Than he has seemed to misplace his listening ears too. Does anyone know where I can purchase listening ears?!?! If so please do share.

~I went and made a HUGE mistake well paying bills last month. I decided it would be a good idea to pay my OLD cell bill instead of the family plan. The plan is under hubby's name so now he is NOT impressed because he gets the late payment hit not me. We only found out I did this now when the new bill comes in and is 335.00 bucks!! Ooops.

~On the cell bill note: Rogers is STUPID!! They REFUSE to transfer the payment from my old account to the new account!! WHY?!?! They would receive the payment WAY faster...but NOOOO I had to contact the bank and get them to request payment back...than the bank will give me the money back...than Rogers will get their money. Makes NO sense to me at all!!!

~We had a few nice days and now the cold wet snowy weather has returned. DEPRESSING!! I just want spring to come!! Maybe Tornado does too and this is why he is acting up...

~We got a new BBQ and WOW rotisserie roast on it is AMAZING!!! YUMMY!! BUT I had a huge disappointment Monday when I went to get it all ready to find out that you can not use it when windy. Umm Monday it was 50km/hr winds with wind gusts up to 60km/hr. I was so sad Monday night BUT Tuesday when I bite into the roast took all the disappointment away!!

~I was able to help my Dad out and donate our old BBQ to him. He LOVES it!! How I love making people happy...if I could afford it I would have bought him a new one too...but I'm not rich. LOL

~Today I take my baby girl for her 2 month not looking forward to this. Wish me luck!! :(

~Tornado has started swimming lessons...oh how he loves them!! I just love watching him and seeing the excitement/joy on his face!! :)
~I have a bottle waiting on the coffee table for Meme...but I must go to the washroom before I begin her morning feed. Tornado yells 'Mom Meme is VERY hungry!' I reply 'Yes hun I know but I just had to go to the washroom first.' I walk into the living room and there is my son feeding his sister!! It was so very cute!! I wish I could have gotten a picture!!

Want more Friday Night Leftovers? Go visit the host HERE!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Has Meme Been Up To!! (5wk-11wk Update)

~ Doctors, doctors, doctors!!! That is what we have been up to during her 5th week!!

We were there on Wednesday because she had not pooped since Saturday!! As soon as Dr.Cindy came into the room she pooped. Go figure right!! So, not much was done that day because we thought she had it all under control. (Dr.Cindy told me to give her 1/4tsp of brown sugar with 4oz of her formula if it happened again BUT only once and only if needed.)

Thursday we went to doctors once again...this time it was for acid reflex. After CanadianMama seen Meme she advised me that it was all the signs of acid reflex. Thank goodness she did!! Meme was doing SOOO much better after only having 3 doses of the baby zantac!! Thank you CanadianMama!!

Than we ended up back at the doctors Saturday because well Meme did not poop since Wednesday!! Guess what the little bugger did!!??!! Yep that is right she pooped the second the doctor came in the room. Well this time the doctor gave her some medicine to help her little tummy adjust to the formula. (She never needed to take the medicine!! Just worked it out on her own!!!)

~Not much has happened in the 6th week. LOTS of play dates for your big brother, which all of us are really enjoying!! At the play dates you did get to meet Rae/Syetha and Joy/her son and Trenna/her daughter and J/Mouse/K!!

~WELL I thought I was finally free of doctors for a WHOLE week!!! But I was sadly mistaken. We ended up at the walk-in clinic AGAIN!! On the bright side it was with Dr.Van again, I find he is a really good doctor!! We went this Saturday because you were having such a hard time with gas and I was very unsure if I should switch your formula. I did not want to make it hard for you to have a bowel movement again because you just got regular. In the end he advised that we change SO we have switched from Similac to Good Start.

~This week(week 6) you decided it would be fun to poop on Mommy!! You also decided to have a poop that went ALL up your tummy, ALL up your back and ALL down your legs!!! It was the biggest poop EVER!! How does such a little girl hold that much?!?!?!

~Monday we ended up at our family doctor. You spit up SOOO much when sleeping it gags you and scares the crap out of Mom and Dad. End result you have been switched formulas AGAIN!! This time we are trying Enfamil Gentlease!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that this works!!

It has been a week and a half on the Enfamil and WOW!!! It seems to working very well. *knock on wood*

Some how I lost track of what happened what week so now it is all just bullet list...

What I do know is that it did for sure happen when you were 5 weeks to 11 weeks old!! LOL

~Hates tummy time now...used to love it. I can not even put you on your tummy on my chest...oh how you scream when we do that.

~Success!!! April 8th or so started sleeping from 11pm-600/630am. You eat at about 10/1030pm, than asleep by 11pm!! This all started when you started on the Biogia drops!!

~Meme LOVES baths!!! Tornado still LOVES telling her stories well I am bathing her. It is too cute for words.

~You LOVE your mobile!! You have daily talks with it!! BUT everytime I pull out the video camera to capture stop!! Even if you can not see me!!

~You Hate the taste of your own hands. I can wipe them down and still you HATE the taste of them. The face you make is priceless!! I will try to capture a picture of that too.

~SMILES oh SMILES!! You LOVE giving out smiles!! You have the greatest smile!! It can light up your day no matter how horrible it has been.

~On Biogia drops now too. They are expensive BUT AMAZING!!! So in the end because they work so well they are not worth the money spent!! Anyone having issues with a fussy/gassy baby try these drops!!!

~I an still scared to let you sleep alone in your crib, so you sleep in your bouncer chair and you just love it!!

I think that about wraps up this update.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sorry About The Silence

To everyone who pops in from time to time to read my blog I apologize I have not been blogging much lately.

I just can not seem to find the time for anything...

the days just zoom by and before I know it bed time is upon us.

I have LOTS to blog about...

But just can not find the words to write it all down...

Here is a sneak peek of what is on my mind:

~Tornado got written up at school for being mean, next write up he is kicked out.
~I have upset a friend and now I feel like a heel because of it.
~I have family/friends that I would LOVE to visit but can not ever make it down there.
~This weather has me in a fury!! One day it is nice the next day it is FREAKING cold!! I am SICK of it!!
~I screwed up on paying a bill and now hubby has a mark on his name because of it. ALL MY FAULT!!
~My house OH my house needs a deep cleaning
~Hubby and I just can not seem to agree on how to discipline Tornado. ~ ...the list goes on and on...

But that is a bullet list of what is running through my head on a daily basis...

...I will return, hopefully soon, to blog about it all.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Banana Test

My Dad emailed me this test and I just had to share it with all of you!!!

Don't scroll past the animals until you have decided upon your answer . . .

The Banana Test

There is a very, very tall coconut tree and there are 4 animals,

A Lion ,

A Chimp ,

A Giraffe ,......

AND... A Squirrel

They decide to compete to see who is the fastest to get a banana off the tree.

Who do you guess will win?

Your answer will reflect your personality.

So think carefully . . .....

Try and answer within 30 seconds.

Got your answer?

Now scroll down to see the analysis.

















If your answer is:

Lion = you're dull.

Chimpanzee = you're dense.

Giraffe = you're a complete moron.

Squirrel = you're hopeless.


Obviously you're stressed and overworked. You should take some time off and relax now hurry up and forward it to someone!!!!

Please leave a comment and share with the rest of us what you picked!!!

I picked a monkey!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Let Us Compare My 2 Babies @ 2 Months Old!!

I showed these two pictures side by side to Grandpa D. and Daddy and well I fooled them both!!

I am still in shock at how much alike the two look at the same age!!! And how they both have the same smile!!!

Take a look for yourself:

The only thing that gives away who is who is:

1. The date on the first one

2. Meme wearing pink

Yes the swings are different too BUT someone would have to know which swing I had this time around SO I don't think that counts!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sleeping Time

Mommy's Favorite Pj's!!!


Monday, April 4, 2011

Real Babies Were Not Injured During This Photo Session

These dolls were bought for a baby shower game, which we never got to...

BUT Tornado took a liking to them. They were both girls BUT he has transformed one to a boy. This baby boy is now his!!

He would not leave Mom and Dad alone with this baby!!! Kept taking off the clothes and dressing it again, each time needing help. It was really cute the first few times but by the tenth time...OH MY!! LOL

Here is how you Tornado dress a baby:

Learning how to put on a diaper!!

TAA DAA!!!! Now it is time for the socks... ...than the diaper shirt Phew!! Good thing it is just a doll!! Hmmm...I don't think I will let him dress Meme yet!! Pants must be pretty tricky!! Face Plant!!! We have finally made it to the bib!!