Pleased To Announce The Birth Of Our Little Girl!!!
Born at 938pm
6 lbs 1 oz
19.5 Inches long
She will known as Meme.
WOW it has already been a week!! It has been a bit crazy in my house and well yesterday was the first day we didn't have to go see a health nurse or go to the hospital. Now I have found the time to share how Meme was born. Here we go...
First things first...
I MADE 37 WEEKS!!! What a relief that was.
Now lets move on...
The contractions started on the Sunday and just kept on going until the minute Meme was born. They were every 30 minutes on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. They were not too bad and I was able to get by with them, thinking they would just stop. Well Tuesday night/Wed. morning they started to get stronger. At 330am until 630 am they were 10 minutes apart. At this point we are trying to decide when to go into L & D because of the GBS positive test. Than 630am to 730 am they decide to go 7 minutes apart. Hmmm they are getting stronger!! Than 730am - 830 am they are 5-6 minutes apart. That is when I decided it was time to go to L & D.
Here is what happened after we arrived at L & D...
They hooked me up to the monitor to watch baby. Than the doctor came in and checked me and I was 1.5cm dilated. The doctor said they would like to monitor the baby for 2 hours and than re-check me. So, both me and hubby thought we would for sure be going home and this was just a big waste of time.
2 hours passed and in that time the contractions moved to 1.5-2 minutes apart, but they were still bareable. Something I must not forget is my Pirate Face!! Every time I had a strong contraction it was a reaction to close my left eye and squint like a pirate!! Hubby laughed every time BUT at least this way he knew I was having a contraction!! The doctor came in and checked me and I was now 3 cm dilated!! WOO HOO!! So, she let us go and eat before they admitted me and broke my water and gave me the antibiotics for GBS positive.
After we ate...
We headed back upstairs to be admitted. I could not believe today was the day!! We get to our room and I get the I.V. and than the antibiotics and than they broke my water. (I am still unsure why they broke my water so soon but we just went with it.) Well after they broke my water my dilation came to a halt. Contractions were still there but no more dilation for me.
Next step...
The doctor decided that she would induce me than...BOOOO. I really didn't want to be induced this time but it was what it was. BUT before I would let them do that I was getting an epidural, yep I am a big baby when it comes to them speeding things up. Well the epidural took FOREVER!! The reason being is because I was at the top of the list BUT there were other ladies that were in so much pain and needed it right now!! I was ok and not in pain YET so we let them go first. Well I would not say in pain BUT I could handle it.
The labour at this point had been very stress free, unlike the labour with Tornado. Than Meme decided to start acting up at about 4pm ish. She kept moving away from the heart monitor or kicking it or just plain be a little shit head. (sorry if the language offends any of you.) SO, they hooked up a wire to her head so she couldn't escape. Well she didn't like that SO she decided to make me lay the way SHE wanted me to lay or her heart rate would go all over the board. I guess she didn't like being in jail with that wire on her head. LOL
Got the epidural...
OK we are good to induce me now. (It is funny because even the doctor said to get the epidural before they induced me. LOL) So, I got induced at 700pm and WOW that was the magic touch I guess because after that we were off!! I could still feel all the pressure with the epidural, which I found weird because with Tornado I felt NOTHING!! I went from 3cm at 7pm to the full 10cm by 9pm something, do not know the exact the time because well it was time to push and that is all I could focus on. That was also different from Tornado because they induced me at 8am and he was not born until 8pm.
How was the stress up to this point...
It was pretty good BUT she kept having D-cells, heart rate drops too low, every time I would have a contraction.
She was facing the wrong way and would not turn around. The doctor tried to turn her around but was unsuccessful.
At one point I was on my hands and knees with oxygen because of her heart rate. That felt weird because I had the epidural at this point.
But still less stressful than with Tornado.
Time to push...
OMG!!! Did it ever hurt when they put the vacuum in!!! Epidural was not working as well this time around!! But funny thing when the vacuum was in there she was good, the vacuum was not on yet because she was behaving.
WOW!!! Was it ever hard to push!! With Tornado it was 3 pushes and he was out, the doctor did all the work for me with the vacuum. I am glad that I had the chance to feel how it was to push.
It felt like I was pushing FOREVER!!! Than they turned on the vacuum...BOO!!! I did not want the vacuum this time either BUT her d-cells were getting too bad now. It was on very low because I still had to push like mad.
The attending doctor was also in the room, James (he did not like being called by his last name), the resident doctor, was the one who delivered Meme. Well the attending was not going to let me have 3rd degree tears again this time...nope he was not...instead he...
instead he cut me side ways!! OUCH!!! We heard it cut and let me tell you that is the grossest sound in the world!!
Than the hardest part came about...
Her head was coming out and well my first, second, third set of contractions did not get it all out. WOWERZ that pain was unbelievable!! And I had an epidural!! I give so much praise for the woman who do it with NOTHING for the pain because that had me in tears and thinking to myself that I can't do this. IT HURT SO MUCH!!! Than bam it was done.
I layed there trying to listen for her cry...than there it was. Relief came over me and now I just wanted my baby girl in my arms.
Why would my body make it easy for me?!?! They had a really hard time getting the placenta out. It felt like FOREVER!! All I wanted to do was hold my baby girl, I had worked hard for this moment and I wanted my reward now!!! FINALLY they got it all out but now I had to be stitched up...GAWD!! Let me have my baby!!! Daddy was holding her so at least I got to peek at her.
OUCH!! I could feel the stitches being put in!! Not a happy feeling. (See I told you all I was a big baby when it came to pain.)
All done and now it is my turn to hold my baby girl...what a beautiful baby we made!! I could just hold her and stare at her forever!!!
What came next...
Well they were having a hard time finding one of the sponges...YIKES. OK you hear them and see them looking around for these sponges. OK we have 2 but there was 3. I am sure you can all imagine the thoughts running through my head at this time. Than they find the third...PHEW!!
I had the shakes from the epidural, really really bad, until about 3am!! They made it hard for the nurse to get my blood pressure. They made it hard for me to eat my toast and well drinking my apple juice was pretty funny to watch. I would pick it up to have a drink when I was not shaking and than BAM the shaking started and I had to put it down so fast or else I would have been wearing it. In the end we had to get me a straw so I could drink. The shakes were so very annoying, I now know how my Grandma C. feels all the time.
That about wraps up what happened in the L & D room.
Now you may ask after reading this...
Would I do this again?
I sure would!!
But after our 2 beautiful children we are all done!!
Sounds like a rollercoaster (although what delivery isn't right0! Glad she is healthy and safe and congrats again!
ReplyDeleteShe's beautiful!!
Oh wow!!! Very eventful!! I can't believe they cut you sideways, you poor, poor girl. That would have freaked me out. I'm happy Meme came out though and is healthy and now your family is complete :)
ReplyDeleteHolla!! I did it with NO pain meds. Not because I was brave though, just because there was no time. Evans head was out and I was screaming like a madwoman for an epidural. LOL.