Tornado picks up the phone pushes a button (Grandpa D's number)
"Is Grandma L. there?" Tornado asks
Grandpa D. "No she is at home"
Tornado "Oh OK I don't want to talk to you" click, he hangs up the phone. lol
The phone rings seconds after he hangs up on Grandpa D., I am in the washroom so I yell for Tornado to answer it. Well he does and hears Grandpa. D's voice and hangs up. LOL He tells me it was Grandpa D. and that he didn't want to talk to him he wanted to talk to Grandma L.
I tell him that is OK BUT it is very rude to hang up on people!!
So we phone Grandma L. and he very happy!!! In the end it was not a very interesting conversation BUT maybe he just wanted to hear her voice. :)
This is how another conversation went:
He picks up the phone and pushes Grandma D. and Papy's button.
They answer and Tornado says "I just want to tell you one thing, I love you! Now can I talk to Papy I just want to tell him one thing too." Papy comes on the phone "I love you" and that is all he wanted to tell them that day!!
My Tornado makes life very interesting for us!! We get daily laughs and when he makes us angry well we just gotta reflect back on the funny moments!!