WOW 3 Months old already!! How time flies by!!!
At 3 months old Meme is:
75% for weight....14lbs!!! (If you are thinking she was just 12lb 14oz 2 weeks ago you are right!!) I asked the doctor to double check the weight because Mommy was in shock. LOL
90% for height...62cm!!
40cm for your head.
You have more than doubled your birth weight now!! WOW!!! Great job Meme!!
You absolutely HATE HATE HATE tummy time now. :( You used to LOVE it. But now you even get mad if we put you on our chest to burp you.
You DO NOT like laying down at all!!
You are starting to really hate your car seat.
You do not like to smile for the camera or talk for the video camera.
What do you like:
LOVE BATHS!! I think that is your favorite time of the day.
ABSOLUTELY LOVE your big brother!! Sometimes I have to get Tornado to go away when you are eating because all you will do is smile and talk to him. It is so sweet to watch you little face light up everytime you see Tornado!!
Really like your swing now too!! The motion is just the most WONDERFUL thing in the world!!
LOVE to suck and chew on your fingers and fists.
Like to watch T.V. with Tornado.
You still have your acid reflex and spit up in a nightmare...I know I know everyone wonders how the heck can it be a nightmare with how chubby you are...BUT it really is!! There are times I am so worried you have spit up all of your bottle. Those are the times I have to remind myself that you are a chubby little thing and will be just fine. :)
You are so aware of things now. You LOVE the toys on your swing and are always grabbing at them and moving them around. You startle yourself at times because of the nose they make. LOL
Overall you are a pretty happy baby who LOVES to smile and talk!!

Your Big Brother just LOVES you!!!

Had put the soother in your mouth because well you were SO done with pictures!!

3 month photo with Big Brother :)

And another. Tornado just wanted me to keep snapping pictures.

Love the smirk on her face!!

SUCCESS!!! Got a picture of you smiling!!!