Mom "do you want to big brother?"
Tornado's eyes light right up and he says "YES" well nodding his head.
"What would you like more a baby brother or baby sister?"
Tornado says "Both, I want both!!"
Mom and dad laugh and say "I hope not!!" I could not imagine having twins!! But Tornado is convinced he will get both. LOL
So he has now picked names:
Baby brother is Harold and Baby sister is Becky
He is also spilling the beans to people. LOL
Payge says "do you want to pretend to be the brother?" there were playing with action figures
and Tornado shot the most horrible look at her and said "NO I am GOING to be big brother!!" Payge looks at me and says I didn't know you were pregnant and Tornado says "YES there is a baby in my Mom's tummy!"
He tells Grandpa D "I'm going to be a big brother to my baby brother Harold and baby sister Becky!" LOL Grandpa D looks very shocked and says "What?" Tornado says "Mom has a baby in her tummy!" OH Grandpa D. was so very excited!!! I wish I could have gotten it on tape!!
Now if only Tornado could do posts for me he could spill the beans that way!! LOL
He is so excited!! It'll be a huge change for him definitely but you can certainly make it positive for him, and you are off to a good start :) Congrats again!!!