- I am drinking Chocolate milk one day and Tornado comes up to me and this is what he says "Mommy babies can't drink chocolate milk can they?" I reply "No they can not" he than says "Than why are you drinking it...Harold can't drink it!" LOL
- Tornado is always chasing me around the house with a blanket for Harold. He says we have to keep him nice and warm!!
- I tried to explain to him that the babies name is not going to Harold when it is born but that did not go over very well. "Lets just call it Harold in the belly and when it comes out too"
- He is constantly checking my belly and every time says "Yep it is getting bigger!!"
Tornado is being so very cute about the whole thing!! I can't wait for the first time he feels baby move!!
Next update will be when I FINALLY get my first prenatal appointment!! It has been FOREVER, well that is how it feels anyways. lol I will 10.5 weeks when I go and I am hoping to hear the babies heart beat!!
Aww he sounds so excited to meet baby!! Will you find out what the sex is? Eeeeeee!!! How exciting. Maybe you'll have a GIRL. Imagine!!