Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tell Me Tuesday

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Say No To Crack!!

Friday, August 27, 2010
Friday's Funny!!

Hope you all got a good laugh!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Calgary Zoo ~ August 8 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tell Me Tuesday

So onto my question for the week:
How do you feel about the parents that switch out the sets of clothes so that the top and bottoms are fit for their children but not yours?
Example. Size6 top with size 4 bottoms
Monday, August 23, 2010
My Shopping Adventure With Tornado
We than make our way to the baby section, to pick up good night boxers. What a mistake that was!! LOL Tornado is trying to buy the whole clothes section for the baby. I explain to him we can't start to buy clothes until Sept. 25th 2010 when we find out if it is a boy or a girl. He says it is ok we can just buy this and this and this. LOL What a cutie!!
He is going to be such a good big brother!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Wednesday Nights Dream
It was about a man breaking into our house from our back door. He would smash the glass at the top and side, which is funny because there is no glass on the side. (At one point I was on the phone with John and other times I was not) I would run up the back stairs and lock the upstairs door and grab Tornado (this is where the endings always altered) : run outside to our neighbors house or run downstairs to my father-in-laws locking three doors behind me hiding under the stairs or in the laundry room or hiding behind my couch cover with a blanket and the endings go on and on. The guy was out to hurt me and it freaked the crap right out of me!! The cops or John got here in time. Than the next day the guy was attempting to break in again. (like how the heck was he already out of jail from the night before) So the dream continued. In one of the endings the guy was working for our neighbours and that is how he decided to target our house. This dream was very freaky!! I tossed and turned all night long and at times layed in bed with my eyes open trying to clear my mind and focus on other things but it just didn't work. In my dream I was not pregnant and I couldn't even tell you how old Tornado was. You would think I would know every little detail after having it so many times. LOL
Than my phone starts to ring, in real life, and it was John saying he wasn't sure if he had locked the back door this morning and that he wanted me to check because there have been lots of break and enters lately. My heart just started to pound and I couldn't get out of bed fast enough. Well sure enough it was locked but that was it I was NOT going back to sleep now!! Instead I sat on the couch with many lights on in my house, so bad guys knew I was home and up, and analyzed every sound I heard.
So that is how my Thursday started out.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tornado and His Attitude
My son, Tornado, is 4 years old and OMG the temper on that child is unbearable at times.
Here are some things that he does:
- Not getting his way for a t.v. show ~ gets up screams at who ever is there, throws something that is near by and than stomps off to his room yelling and screaming. He used to slam his door but I have a stopper on it now so he can not.
- His game is not working properly or the way he wants it to ~ he throws the controller across the room.
- He does not want to eat what we make for him ~ he yells, he pounds the couch, he runs off to his room screaming and at times yes he will throw something.
- We say something he does not like ~ he comes up to us and tries to hit us.
- His toy does not go his way ~ yep you guessed it all of the above but lately he thinks he can just break the toy.
- oh the list does go on and on
Now I must add at the end of this list we do not let this slide. He does get into trouble. He does get things taken away from him. He does get time outs. But none of this seems to phase him. It does at the moment but an hour or so later we are at it again. :( Also, I must point out he does not see this around our house so I am at a lose as to where he learns it. After talking to other moms that have boys I think it is a boy thing but this boy of mine is taking it to another level.
One day this week I was at a lose for words and well that rarely happens (anyone who knows me in real life will agree with that one). Here is what happened:
He up and hit his friend because his friend was trying to help him out. Well I don't stand for anyone hitting, so into time out he went. YA RIGHT that was a battle on it's own. He was not going into a time out he was not listening he was the boss, or so he thought. I finally got him into time out, after a lot of kicking and punching and screaming. He than proceeded to throw a hard toy across the room. So off to his room he went because I am not going to have him hurt his friends. There he screamed forever, at least it felt like forever. Than he calmed down and came back out and said sorry to both me and his friend. SUCCESS is what we all think but NOPE. Than he decided him and his friends were going to play his game cube in his room. Ok no prob. I say. Well he throw his controller across the room. So out went the controllers and I told him he lost his games because he had thrown the controllers and now he could have a time out. So out to the living room go his friends. He than decided to pick up his controller for his T.V. and throw it at me, so the T.V. gets unplugged. I say ok you lose your T.V. now, we don't throw things that is bad. YEP another long battle of screaming and throwing things. He than says he is really sorry and I say ok but I still need you to go into your room and have a nap so your attitude changes. Well he was not happy with that at all...he grabs a handful of his lite bright pegs and throws them at me. OH I am so MAD right now. I tell him to get his butt back to his bed and we don't throw things!! So away goes his lite bright now. I have never had to take so many toys away from him in less than a few hours!! Why is he not getting it? What have I done wrong? How can I fix this? AHHHHH!!! It was a long battle. In the end he did change his attitude but WOW!!
Now you all may think I did it...I made it through to Tornado...not a hope in hell. He started again this morning after only being awake for a few hours. This needs to stop before he hurts himself or someone else but how? As long as things go his way or he hears what he wants it is all fine and dandy and well that is not how life is. LOL I told him he had to understand he was the kid and we are the adults and the adults are the bosses!! And please don't think my son is horrible or misbehaved all the time because he is not...but lately this anger is just getting in the way. We love him very much and I think this is why it bothers us so much.
So any parents out there that have gone through this or have advice it would be greatly appreciated. :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
August 20 2010 Prenatal Appointment
First things first blood pressure good :) weight 53.5 :) That is about all he told me.
Than I had to ask if the ultrasound came back ok...like should I really have to ask this?!?! I think not!!
Than he says ok lets see if we can hear the baby's heart beat BUT I don't think so I think you are not far enough yet. In my mind "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??? I AM 14.5 WEEKS ALONG!!!" OMG what a useless doctor!!! Turns out SURPRISE SURPRISE he can hear the heart beat. 142beats/second :)
And this is what I waited for 45minutes for. That is it that is all. I can not wait to be able to go to a baby doctor!!
Sicamous Beach BC
Thursday, August 19, 2010
What Cancer Can't Do!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Waterfall Pit Stop On The Way To The Enchanted Forest ~ Revelstoke BC
This is the same waterfall we stopped at last year!! So it is really neat to be able to reflect back and see how much Tornado has changed.