Last night was the worst sleep EVER!! I was having one of those dreams that kept waking me up with a jump and my heart was pounding. It was one of those dreams that always started out the same but the ending was always different.
It was about a man breaking into our house from our back door. He would smash the glass at the top and side, which is funny because there is no glass on the side. (At one point I was on the phone with John and other times I was not) I would run up the back stairs and lock the upstairs door and grab Tornado (this is where the endings always altered) : run outside to our neighbors house or run downstairs to my father-in-laws locking three doors behind me hiding under the stairs or in the laundry room or hiding behind my couch cover with a blanket and the endings go on and on. The guy was out to hurt me and it freaked the crap right out of me!! The cops or John got here in time. Than the next day the guy was attempting to break in again. (like how the heck was he already out of jail from the night before) So the dream continued. In one of the endings the guy was working for our neighbours and that is how he decided to target our house. This dream was very freaky!! I tossed and turned all night long and at times layed in bed with my eyes open trying to clear my mind and focus on other things but it just didn't work. In my dream I was not pregnant and I couldn't even tell you how old Tornado was. You would think I would know every little detail after having it so many times. LOL
Than my phone starts to ring, in real life, and it was John saying he wasn't sure if he had locked the back door this morning and that he wanted me to check because there have been lots of break and enters lately. My heart just started to pound and I couldn't get out of bed fast enough. Well sure enough it was locked but that was it I was NOT going back to sleep now!! Instead I sat on the couch with many lights on in my house, so bad guys knew I was home and up, and analyzed every sound I heard.
So that is how my Thursday started out.
That's really scary Pam. I'm glad you are safe though. I had the mosy vivid, realistic dreams when I was pregnant. Dreams seemed real sometimes, it was so weird. Hopefully your brain allows for some funner, happier, more colorful dreams!!!!