Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday's Useless Trivia
*A perfect game in baseball is one in which the same player pitches the entire game without allowing any player of the opposite team to reach first base by any means
*By the time you turn 70, your heart will have beat some two and a half billion times (figuring on an average of 70 beats per minute)
*The tallest as well as the heaviest horse ever recorded was a Shire gelding named "Sampson." He measured 21.2 and one half hands (7 feet 2.5 inches) and weighed 3,360 pounds!
*The average human body contains enough: iron to make a three inch nail, sulfur to kill all fleas on an average dog, carbon to make 900 pencils, potassium to fire a toy cannon, fat to make 7 bars of soap, phosphorous to make 8 match heads, and water to fill a ten gallon tank
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tell Me Tuesday
Now that I am expecting and both me and my hubby are having a very hard time deciding on a name for a boy, we have a beautiful girl name picked out. When it comes to boys he likes the CRAZIEST names out there and disagrees with all of mine. SO I thought it would be fun to get your favorite boy and girl names!! Even if your child is already born, you can use that name!!
SO What is your favorite name for a boy and a girl? AND What are your husbands? I need to know if my husband is the only crazy one out there!! LOL
Other Tell Me Tuesdays: Peek Thru Our Window...
Monday, September 27, 2010
WOW!! What a shocker!! I was totally expecting a boy. I am so excited that it is a girl!! But here is how my Saturday went:
First we get home at 530am ish from the Children's Hospital with Tornado. (another post to come for that one). Fall asleep and get woken up by my alarm WAY too soon. But first at 7am ish Tornado wakes up and says "Is it tomorrow?" I whisper "Yes, go back to sleep." He replies "Well lets go see the baby now!! I slept so I can go now." Me "Oh is too early we still have time to sleep, SO please go back to sleep." That was the end of that conversation because I was NOT getting up yet. LOL Than my alarm is going off at 830am. I hit the snooze button and think to myself 'I am not ready to drink that water or to eat a dam thing!! I just wanna sleep.' This was the first time I wish I had booked the appointment for the afternoon. So I drag my butt outta bed and finish the water and food, at this point I am jealous that John can sleep until 930am, and off to the ultrasound we go.
We get to the ultrasound place and there is a sign on the door WASHROOMS CLOSED!! OMG are you freaking kidding me!! Nope they are not. I am pregnant and you have ordered me to drink this water and now you telling me I have no washroom to use. GREAT!
So off to the ultrasound room I go. This ultrasound takes FOREVER!! The tech. asks me if I want to know what the baby is. I say YES but I have to wait till my hubby and son are in here because if I don't they might kill me. LOL SO I have to wait the whole time of her doing her thing, which is FOREVER!! FINALLY it is time to go and get the boys!! :) BUT they are gone...Tornado had to go pee...GAH!!! LOL Finally they return!! Than my little girl decides she is not going to co-operate for us to see what she is...THANKFULLY the tech. got a good look during the examine!! I am overfilled with joy!!
Here is Tornado's reaction:
"But I wanted a baby brother" I say "Well honey remember we said it could be a sister?" He says "Ya" Than the tech. jumps in and says "You are going to be an AWESOME big brother to you baby sister!!" and than Tornado perks right up and says "YES I am!!" from than on he has been excited.
Here is Hubby's reaction:
PISSED RIGHT OFF!!! He didn't even want to talk to anyone...he would not talk to me...I spent many hours with tears in my eyes not being able to celebrate my excitement. It hurt very much that he was so angry at the fact we were having a girl. Our plan was to go shopping that day BUT he was not interested now. I didn't want to show him my excitement because he was so upset/angry that it was a girl. I had to tell everyone, he didn't want any part in that. It was a pretty rough day. But by the end of the day we were able to talk a bit. I understood his disappointment but at the same time I had to accept that Tornado was a boy and I NEVER once acted like that. (I really wanted a girl with Tornado LOL But now I would not trade him for the world) The funny thing is that he said it was a girl the whole time and still the shock hit him like a brick wall. (He also knew Tornado was boy from the start)
SO later on in the day Tornado and I went out shopping!! He needed pants and pj's SO I thought it would be GREAT to do both at once. Well we ended up spending more money on Tornado than baby. LOL It was hard to find the right size for baby girl. Tornado picked out 2 sleepers for her and a matching blanket!! It was really sweet of him. :) That was all we got this weekend. Good thing we have 20 more weeks to shop!!
So that is how the ultrasound day went.
Driving With Tornado
I hear a voice from the back "Mommy can you turn down the music please?"So I turn down the music and ask "Yes sir. What would you like?"
Tornado "I have changed my mind"
I asked very confused "Changed your mind about what?"
Tornado "I want to be Robin now"
I say "OK" still very confused "For Halloween?"
Tornado "No Mom. I want to be Robin instead of a police officer when I grow up!!" He than goes on about what kind of mask he will need and clothes. I just giggle to myself and give him a big smile!! Later that night he tells me "When I am Robin I can never get hurt or die!"
I am still in shock that my son had picked Robin over Batman...isn't it supposed to be the other way around?!?
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Cheesy Sausage Penne ~ YUMMY
1 garlic clove, minced
1 jar (26oz) spaghetti sauce
1 16oz package uncooked penne pasta
4oz cream cheese softened
4oz sour cream
4 green onions, sliced
2 cups shredded cheese
- In a large skillet cook the sausage and garlic over medium heat until meat is no longer pink: drain. Stir in spaghetti sauce, bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
- Cook pasta according to package directions; drain. Meanwhile, in a small mixing bowl, combine the cream cheese, sour cream and onions.
- Combine the pasta and sauce in a bowl or pot.
- In a greased shallow 3qt baking dish, layer half of the pasta mixture. Dollop with half of the cream cheese mixture; sprinkle with half of the cheese. Repeat
- Bake, uncovered, at 350 for 30-35 minutes or until bubbly.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thursday's Useless Trivia
*If 80% of the human liver was removed, it could still function and would eventually restore itself to its original size
*Nearly a quarter of all human bones are found in the feet
*Human adults breath about 23000 times a day
*The hydrochloric acid in the human stomach is strong enough to disolve a nail
*The amount of carbon in the human body is enough to fill about 9000 lead pencils
*The oldest dog that has been reliably documented was an Australian cattle dog named Bluey. He was put to sleep at the age of 29 years and 5 months!
*The smallest dog in history was a tiny Yorkie from Blackburn, England. At two years of age and fully grown this little dude was an incredible 2.5 inches tall by 3.75 inches long! He weighed only 4 ounches!He was approximately the size of a matchbox
*There are 14 phalanges (finger bones) in the human hand
*The largest muscle in the human body is the buttock muscle
*The tallest dog on record was named Shamgret Danzas. He was 42 inches tall (at the shoulder!) and weighed 238 pounds
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I was over at The Graham Family reading the post and by the time I reached the end of her post I found out I was tagged in a bloggy game. :) It will be fun because who doesn't like learning about their bloggy friends!!
As part of the "game" I am to answer the following:
1. What was your most embarrassing moment?
So I am working the graveyard shift at 7-Eleven, which I had done for about 2 years at that time. I am in the backroom preparing the condiments for the day, well my co-worker is putting away the subs etc. I look up at the camera/tv screen to see a guy ummm pleasing himself, I am sure you all get the picture, to a Maxium Magazine!! OMG!! My face must of been redder (if that is a word) than the tomatoes I was cutting up. I pick up the phone, call the police and I am in shock and have no idea what to say. I stutter and spit out what the guy is doing. I have to stay on the phone with her until the police arrive and OMG it feels like FOREVER. Mean time my co-worker has not noticed a darn thing, like how long it is taking me to do these freaking condiments or the guy in the candy isle pleasing himself. Well on the phone the floor guys show up and I am like OH SHIT and the dispatcher is like what is the problem? I tell her and she is don't worry the police are on their way, not fast enough for me!! Thankfully the floor guys come right to the back and see nothing either. The police show up and the guy is still doing his business. I have no idea if he finished and I had no desire to find out!! In the end it turns out he was a 35ish yr old that still lived with Mommy and Daddy and this was NOT his first offense, YUCK. Well that morning I had the pleasure of telling my boss, a guy, what had happened and he was a joker so I am sure you can see how that went. He told all our regular customers right in the middle of coffee rush!!
2. Do you recycle? Why or why not?
Yes and no. We have blue bins here that are picked up/dumped by the City every week. SO I fill it up with what is acceptable BUT not all the time do I put EVERYTHING in it. It is just laziness on my part because the garbage is right there and the bin is at the back. BUT in my defense I do fill up the big blue bin every week. If I didn't have that bin though I would not do it.
3. What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
Me dangerous LOL I guess working night shift where I attracted the weirdo's. Oh yes there are many more stories that I have!!
4. What is your favorite movie and why?
Hmmm there are so many that I like how do I choose. I guess I don't because there are too many that I enjoy. How sad am I?!?!
5. Do you follow a sport on TV?
6. If you could live at any time in history for 1 year, when would it be?
Me and my hubby always talk about this...we would LOVE to live in the 1960's. It just seems like we were born in the wrong generation.
7. What was/is your favorite school subject?
I was a band and drama geek all the way...but if that is not a subject I am going to say Math. I love working with numbers!! I should have been an accountant.
8. What game do you most enjoy playing with a group?
I enjoy word games, Scattergories is a whole lot of fun with lots of people!! I have also hear Cranium is a really good game!! But my hubby hates any game that is not a RPG on his PS3.
I am not going to link your blog, BUT if you are reading this, you have to play along! Leave me a comment when you do so I can go read your answers!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Preschool Sept. 20-24 2010
Today they decided that parents are no longer allowed in the classroom and attendance will be done at the door. The only bad thing about this is that some kids need help hanging up their bags and coats. AND they didn't even explain why this was happening!! I know why because of the conversation we had on Friday, over the phone. BUT for all the other parents they were left in the dark and most left with blank looks on their faces.
Tornado has made a friend!! It was so very cute...we were standing waiting for the kidlets to be let in...
Tornado tells me "There is my friend"
I ask him "What is his name?"
Tornado replies "I dunno Friend" LOL
I chuckle to myself and say "Go ask what his name is than" But that little boy was too shy to answer SO I asked his mom and find out Tornado's friends name is Alex. :) In the end I am a very happy Mom because my son has made a friend. :) Than when it is time to go into the classroom Alex gets called first and Tornado says "Hi Friend" as Alex is going in. LOL I guess we are going to have to work on names. LOL
GAH! My son hit the boy that sits next to him today at carpet time. Is he gonna be the bully of the class?!? I sure hope not. You wanna know why he hit him too...just because the rules at carpet time are you sit and be quiet and if you have something to say raise your hand and wait for the teacher to acknowledge you. Well Tornado decided to keep talking and the the poor innocent boy beside him told him to SHHH. Like WTH boy!! You slapped the boy for enforcing the rules!! GAH!
Carpet time is hard on Tornado because he is the energizer bunny...NEVER STOPS!! I mean he really NEVER STOPS!!! Morning to night he is go go go...I have not found anything that tuckers this boy out yet!! SO for him to sit and be quiet is something that is a challenge for him. He has lost his games for a week now because that was our deal, IF he was mean and hit/punched/kicked/slapped etc. to anyone at school he would lose his games for a week. Maybe this will hit home and make him realize to think before he acts.
Wednesday Sept. 22 2010
So at drop time well waiting for Mrs. Monica to open the door both myself and Alex's mom are explaining to our sons that when they open the door they have to wait for their names to be called before going into the classroom. Than when Mrs. Monica opens the door, both of us stop our sons from bolting into the classroom, and to our surprise she says ok come on in. WTF!!??!! No attendance at the door?!?! Are you living to confuse the kidlets and parents?!?! What ever happened to structure and consistency?!?! OMG I was fuming!! So I just had to walk right out of there before I blew a gasket.
Tornado was a very good boy at school today!! :) There was a boy pouring water onto his arm at the water table and he asked him to stop but would not. SO instead of taking matters into his own hands he went and told Mrs.Monica!! :) Oh what a proud Mom I am at this moment!! But it ended quickly...
I asked Tornado "What did Mrs. Monica do about it?"
Tornado "She told me just to go dry off" WTF!! What if my son was not done playing there? What if my son hit him that it would have been an issue!!
So I ask "You sure she did not say anything to the other little boy?"
Tornado "Yep she just told me to dry off"
Talk about double standards there. My son finally does the right thing and the teacher could not be bothered to address the issue. GAH!!
Friday Sept. 24 2010
My day to volunteer!! Tornado's day to be the Hoppy Helper!!
SO we were up most of the night because of his asthma acting up BUT that little bugger was NOT going to be missing his day to be the Hoppy Helper. He was so very excited about it and kept asking me every 5 minutes if it was time to go yet. The Hoppy Helper gets to dress the weather bear (Tornado's favorite part), lead the train for clean up time and for going to the gym, and welcome all his friends into the classroom, oops almost forgot and have show&tell.
Today seemed to be a bit smoother but I am still unhappy with it BUT at the same time Tornado loves it oh so much.
Weekend Fun In Red Deer ~ Bowling Sept. 11 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Researching Preschools
Here is what the curriculum looks like:
Session Calendars will be sent home with the children at the start of each session: Fall, Winter and Spring, which will give you an overview of the activities of the Pre-Kindergarten program for that session. Please read and take note of any upcoming important dates.
Pre-Kindergarten curriculum is introduced through thematic units of study. The curriculum is designed with a child’s social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and creative growth in mind. Children learn through “hands on” experiences. The three to five year olds in our program will usually gain different skill levels. Children learn at their own pace, but the Pre-Kindergarten curriculum outline of goals and objectives are as follows:
· Recite the numbers from 1 to 20
· Count objects using 1-1 correspondence
· Recognize the numbers 1-10 on sight
· Recognize basic shapes including triangle, circle, square, rectangle
· Introduce shapes diamond, and oval
· Perceive differences in size
· Understand spatial relationships
· Understand simple sequencing
· Sorting and categorizing
Social Studies and Science
· Know the names of many community workers and what they do
· Self-awareness – parts of the body, health and nutrition, emotions, 5 senses
· Know the names of many animals and information about them i.e. hibernation
· Know about the seasons
· Use a scale and magnifying glass
· Recognize colors
· Understand how a calendar works
· Know about weather
· Know about space
Reading Readiness (Reading and written skills are developed on an individual basis)
· Recognize his / her name and be able to print it
· Recognize letters of the alphabet
· Print some letters of the alphabet
· Know sounds of some letters
· Recognize some simple words
· Understand how letters put together make words
· Understand left to right reading progression
· Understand opposites
· Understand rhyming patters
· Know many songs and finger plays
· Develop an appreciation for music
· Follow a rhythmic beat
· Repeat a clapping pattern
· Use and know the names of common rhythm instruments
Social Skills
· Develop listening skills
· Follow simple directions
· Understand and use good manners
· Learn to respect others and their property
· Use words instead of hitting
· Learn to share and take turns
· Socially interact and play in an appropriate manner
Develop Independence
· Learn to use the bathroom independently and as the need arises
· Solve problems
· Clean up after him / her self
· Independence in eating skills i.e. opening lids and wrappers
· Find own belongings
· Ability to ask for help when needed
· Show and Tell – confidence in public speaking
Large Motor Skills
· Bounce, catch, throw, jump, run, skip, roll, hop, crawl
Small Motor Skills
· Cut, glue, lace, print, color, trace, paint, manipulate
I also had the chance to speak to the teacher at the Marlborough Park Preschool. I was on the phone with her for about 45 minutes!! She told me I was not the only one from that class to voice their concerns and that a lot of the parents are not happy. She did say that she would work on improving it BUT at the same time I am still very uneasy about it. IF a spot does open up at the new preschool, please please please let there be an opening, we will still move Tornado BUT if it comes down to it we will be making our decision by next Friday. Next Friday is the day that I volunteer SO I will be able to see IF any changes have been made and how the class runs. Another thing that blew me away was she said if it was below +5 than they did not go outside...SO if on a day of a field trip if it is below +5 will they still go?!?!
Maybe I am being unfair here BUT at the same time this is my son and I have to do what I feel is right.
In another sense I know this is how it is going to be like when he starts going to elementary school :(
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Preschool This Week
Today is the first day I leave him all by himself, I am not sure who it is tougher on me or him. I explained to him today was the day I just dropped him off and than I would go home and come back to pick him up when preschool was over. He was upset and didn't understand why so it took a little convincing to get him comfortable with the whole idea but we did it. :)
We get up and get ready, that was a handful in itself!! He is such a SLOW eater and well he finished eating with just 15 minutes to get ready which includes: brushing teeth, getting dressed, getting backpack ready and out to the van with the 3 other kidlets!! Oh lets not forget getting the 3 other kidlets dressed and ready too. I discovered that it takes me about 10 minutes to get everyone out to the van and buckled in before we drive away, WAY longer than I thought!! So after everyone is buckled in I look at the clock and it is 9:07, we have to be there for 9:15!! We make it there just in time!!
Off come the outside shoes and on go the indoor shoes. He whips off his coat and hat and is ready to go!! I take him in his classroom and tell him to find his hook and hang up his bag. He does this without a problem. :) What a smart cookie I have!! :) He than wants to play but I tell him "No remember you have to go to your picture on the carpet and wait for carpet time" Well I felt like a heel. He goes and sits like a good boy and is just waiting there. :) BUT all the other kids are running around and playing. Now I ask myself Did I do the right thing? please help me out with that one. I go and give him a big hug and kiss and tell him he is being a very good boy waiting on the carpet and that I will be back later. Than off home I go.
It was very strange not having my son at home for those 2 hours. Derek, one of the kidlets I watch, was so lost without Tornado I guess it will be an adjustment for him too.
Off to pick him up now!! You would think I would have learnt this morning to get packing us all up earlier...NOPE. By the time I had the 3 kidlets all buckled up in the van and ready to drive away it was 11:07 and I need to be there for 11:10 this time!! LOL We get there and run in to pick up my brat. He had a such a good day!! I asked him what he learnt today and this is what he said "We played the time game What time is it Mr.Wolf!! I had to run fast away from the wolf!! It was SUPER fun!!" I asked "Did you learn about a letter today?" He replies "YES!" and starts to sing "B says B and B says Ba every letter makes a sound and B says B aaannddd Ba" It was so cute!! I ask him "Did you play with other kids?" He says "No none of them would play with me" I was like "How come?" He says "Oh I don't know" LOL I told him "Well than you have to make friends and this is how you do it: Hello my name is Tornado, what's yours? His face gets a HUGH grin on it and he says "I can do that!!!" So we will see how Wednesday goes now.
Today his craft of the day was making a puppet!! He loves that thing :)
Wednesday Sept. 15 2010
Well today was a day that Tornado decided it would be fun to sleep in. This kid never ever sleeps in and if he does it is just until 720am...BUT today I had to wake him up at 815am and he told me "But I'm sooo tired" I felt like a heel for having to wake him up. So our day today started off with us rushing to eat breakfast, brush teeth, brush hair, get dressed and get backpack ready and get ready to head out the door!! Phew it was a close call but we made it. :)
Today his favorite thing was playing in the gym with the giant parachute!! He said it was super cool!! He also completed a worksheet with the letter A on it. He made a telephone, the one where you have a string and two cups attached at each end. He thinks that craft is really cool. :) Today he says he didn't make any friends but lots of kids talked to him. LOL He also says he helped some kids make their telephones.
It is just so cute to see the excitement on his face when I drop him off and pick him up!! AND I still get my hug and kiss good bye!! I don't want that stage to ever go away but I know it will :(
That about wraps up today...he didn't talk much about school today but I know he had a blast!!
Friday September 17 2010
GAH!! SO I am stuck in between a rock and a hard place at the moment. I am not sure if I like this new teacher. The one we had the interview was WONDERFUL and layed out what the class schedule was and well she has gone back to school. :( It sucks and here is why:
- First day was complete chaos but I brushed that off as first day jitters. It was also only supposed to be 1.5hrs and they did the whole 2hrs. They did not know the hello song or the good bye song and just seemed very unorganized. I seen Mrs.Morgan brush off a few kids when they were trying to talk to her but I just chalked that up to being my imagination. One little boy was misbehaving and I seen she did not know how to handle it correctly either. I asked for a list of days that they did not have preschool and she was unable to give me straight answer. (how do you not know this!!) I still don't have that list!!
- There were supposed to be assigned seating for carpet time YET that never happened the kids just sit where ever. So much for structure.
- Now onto this week...there is a schedule posted about cleaning bee days and when I asked her about it she seemed very annoyed that I would want to talk to her. In the end my question was never answered and still is unanswered.
- Than today when I went to pick up Tornado they were having snack!! At 1110 SNACK!! So much for lunch being on time!! There was another parent there that had the same reaction as me and we got to talking: She had the interview with Mr.Hanson too and was very impressed with her and decided it was a no brainer to enroll her son too. Just like us! She also volunteered on Wednesday and was very disappointed with what went on in class. Half of the children were to have playtime and the other half learning time and than switch, according to the interviews we both had with Mrs.Hanson. WELL all the kids just play and do whatever they like and there is no structure in the classroom at all!! Very disappointing!! This class is supposed to get them ready for kindergarten!! If I wanted him to play all day long I would have enrolled him in a Playschool not a Preschool!! She also said that the teachers just brush off any kid that tries to talk to them and look annoyed when this happens.
- Neither of the teachers take the time to let the parents how the day went or what they worked on. No communication at all!!
- Today there was no gym time which upset a lot of kids!! And they were too scared to take them outside because it is chilly out!! Give me a break!! Let them go out and run around and kick a ball they will stay warm!!
So all in all I am stuck on what to do and have to discuss this with John. On the other hand Tornado is enjoying going to school so much how do you pull him out?!?! What would you do? Am I over reacting? Any parents out there recommend a different preschool in the NE area?
Now onto today: So you already know there was no gym time :( I have a very upset Tornado right now :( They were supposed to work on their phone numbers and all they did for this was the TEACHER wrote it down and there DONE. They had HOMEWORK to complete, yes I know homework already in preschool, that they were supposed to go over at carpet time and well Tornado tells me they didn't do it. What is the point of sending homework home if you are not going to go over it like stated. Show & Tell was supposed to happen and nope it was not done either. When I ask Tornado what happened today he just said he played and had snack time. Another thing apparently Tornado and another child go into a fight/disagreement and he ended up punching the other kid, VERY WRONG, but at the same time the other kid pushed him too and nothing was done AND the other parents were not notified that this had happened. If I was that kids parent and found out another kid punched mine from their kid telling them I would be pissed that I was not informed. Oh I think I could go on and on about today but I will just leave it at that.
So what do you all think I should do??
Friday, September 17, 2010
Boys Having Fun
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thursday's Useless Trivia
*A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months
*A fingernail or toenail takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip
*A human being loses an average of 40 to 100 strands of hair a day
*According to German researchers, the risk of heart attack is higher on Monday than any other day of the week
*After spending hours working at a computer display, look at a blank piece of white paper. It will probably appear to be pink in color
*An average human drinks about 16,000 gallons of water in a lifetime
*By age 60, most people have lost half of their taste buds
*Fingernails grow faster than toenails
*The human body transmits nerve impulses at about 90 meters a second
*In the English hospitals of the seventeenth century, childern were entitled to two gallons of beer as part of their weekly diet
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
17 Weeks With Baby Surprise
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sept. 10 2010 First Day Of Preschool!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Thursday's Useless Trivia
*59 tons of the berlin wall have been shiped to the U.S. since November 1989 by a company from St. Louis
*No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple
*A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours
*A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds
*Women's hearts generally beat faster than mens
*The average man sweats 2 1/2 quarts every day
*Somewhere near 33 new consumer products are introduced every day. 13 of them are toys *The only fifteen letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter would be uncopyrightable
*Tequila is made from the root of the blue agave cactus
*Only one person in two million will live to be 116 or older
*A duck's quack does not echo
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
New Use For A Tea Cozy
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
They Grow So Fast!!
What a goof ball!?!?! But Mommy and Daddy love him very much!!
ps. As I am typing this post Tornado says "Oh man I'm getting old"
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Thursday's Useless Trivia
So onto the first week:
* The hundred billionth crayon made by Crayola was Perriwinkle Blue
* A quarter has 119 grooves around the edges
* Cranberry is the only flavour of Jello that is made from real fruit, not artificial flavoring
* Artificial Christmas trees have outsold real ones every year since 1991
* Coca Cola contains neither Coca nor Cola
* A coat hanger is 44 inches long if straightened
* A housefly hums in the middle octave, key of F
* The average human body contains enough Iron to make a three inch nail
* The number of Twinkies that Twinkie inventor Jimmy Dewie ate in his lifetime was 40,177
Hope you enjoyed this weeks useless trivia!!