Today is the first day I leave him all by himself, I am not sure who it is tougher on me or him. I explained to him today was the day I just dropped him off and than I would go home and come back to pick him up when preschool was over. He was upset and didn't understand why so it took a little convincing to get him comfortable with the whole idea but we did it. :)
We get up and get ready, that was a handful in itself!! He is such a SLOW eater and well he finished eating with just 15 minutes to get ready which includes: brushing teeth, getting dressed, getting backpack ready and out to the van with the 3 other kidlets!! Oh lets not forget getting the 3 other kidlets dressed and ready too. I discovered that it takes me about 10 minutes to get everyone out to the van and buckled in before we drive away, WAY longer than I thought!! So after everyone is buckled in I look at the clock and it is 9:07, we have to be there for 9:15!! We make it there just in time!!
Off come the outside shoes and on go the indoor shoes. He whips off his coat and hat and is ready to go!! I take him in his classroom and tell him to find his hook and hang up his bag. He does this without a problem. :) What a smart cookie I have!! :) He than wants to play but I tell him "No remember you have to go to your picture on the carpet and wait for carpet time" Well I felt like a heel. He goes and sits like a good boy and is just waiting there. :) BUT all the other kids are running around and playing. Now I ask myself Did I do the right thing? please help me out with that one. I go and give him a big hug and kiss and tell him he is being a very good boy waiting on the carpet and that I will be back later. Than off home I go.
It was very strange not having my son at home for those 2 hours. Derek, one of the kidlets I watch, was so lost without Tornado I guess it will be an adjustment for him too.
Off to pick him up now!! You would think I would have learnt this morning to get packing us all up earlier...NOPE. By the time I had the 3 kidlets all buckled up in the van and ready to drive away it was 11:07 and I need to be there for 11:10 this time!! LOL We get there and run in to pick up my brat. He had a such a good day!! I asked him what he learnt today and this is what he said "We played the time game What time is it Mr.Wolf!! I had to run fast away from the wolf!! It was SUPER fun!!" I asked "Did you learn about a letter today?" He replies "YES!" and starts to sing "B says B and B says Ba every letter makes a sound and B says B aaannddd Ba" It was so cute!! I ask him "Did you play with other kids?" He says "No none of them would play with me" I was like "How come?" He says "Oh I don't know" LOL I told him "Well than you have to make friends and this is how you do it: Hello my name is Tornado, what's yours? His face gets a HUGH grin on it and he says "I can do that!!!" So we will see how Wednesday goes now.
Today his craft of the day was making a puppet!! He loves that thing :)
Wednesday Sept. 15 2010
Well today was a day that Tornado decided it would be fun to sleep in. This kid never ever sleeps in and if he does it is just until 720am...BUT today I had to wake him up at 815am and he told me "But I'm sooo tired" I felt like a heel for having to wake him up. So our day today started off with us rushing to eat breakfast, brush teeth, brush hair, get dressed and get backpack ready and get ready to head out the door!! Phew it was a close call but we made it. :)
Today his favorite thing was playing in the gym with the giant parachute!! He said it was super cool!! He also completed a worksheet with the letter A on it. He made a telephone, the one where you have a string and two cups attached at each end. He thinks that craft is really cool. :) Today he says he didn't make any friends but lots of kids talked to him. LOL He also says he helped some kids make their telephones.
It is just so cute to see the excitement on his face when I drop him off and pick him up!! AND I still get my hug and kiss good bye!! I don't want that stage to ever go away but I know it will :(
That about wraps up today...he didn't talk much about school today but I know he had a blast!!
Friday September 17 2010
GAH!! SO I am stuck in between a rock and a hard place at the moment. I am not sure if I like this new teacher. The one we had the interview was WONDERFUL and layed out what the class schedule was and well she has gone back to school. :( It sucks and here is why:
- First day was complete chaos but I brushed that off as first day jitters. It was also only supposed to be 1.5hrs and they did the whole 2hrs. They did not know the hello song or the good bye song and just seemed very unorganized. I seen Mrs.Morgan brush off a few kids when they were trying to talk to her but I just chalked that up to being my imagination. One little boy was misbehaving and I seen she did not know how to handle it correctly either. I asked for a list of days that they did not have preschool and she was unable to give me straight answer. (how do you not know this!!) I still don't have that list!!
- There were supposed to be assigned seating for carpet time YET that never happened the kids just sit where ever. So much for structure.
- Now onto this week...there is a schedule posted about cleaning bee days and when I asked her about it she seemed very annoyed that I would want to talk to her. In the end my question was never answered and still is unanswered.
- Than today when I went to pick up Tornado they were having snack!! At 1110 SNACK!! So much for lunch being on time!! There was another parent there that had the same reaction as me and we got to talking: She had the interview with Mr.Hanson too and was very impressed with her and decided it was a no brainer to enroll her son too. Just like us! She also volunteered on Wednesday and was very disappointed with what went on in class. Half of the children were to have playtime and the other half learning time and than switch, according to the interviews we both had with Mrs.Hanson. WELL all the kids just play and do whatever they like and there is no structure in the classroom at all!! Very disappointing!! This class is supposed to get them ready for kindergarten!! If I wanted him to play all day long I would have enrolled him in a Playschool not a Preschool!! She also said that the teachers just brush off any kid that tries to talk to them and look annoyed when this happens.
- Neither of the teachers take the time to let the parents how the day went or what they worked on. No communication at all!!
- Today there was no gym time which upset a lot of kids!! And they were too scared to take them outside because it is chilly out!! Give me a break!! Let them go out and run around and kick a ball they will stay warm!!
So all in all I am stuck on what to do and have to discuss this with John. On the other hand Tornado is enjoying going to school so much how do you pull him out?!?! What would you do? Am I over reacting? Any parents out there recommend a different preschool in the NE area?
Now onto today: So you already know there was no gym time :( I have a very upset Tornado right now :( They were supposed to work on their phone numbers and all they did for this was the TEACHER wrote it down and there DONE. They had HOMEWORK to complete, yes I know homework already in preschool, that they were supposed to go over at carpet time and well Tornado tells me they didn't do it. What is the point of sending homework home if you are not going to go over it like stated. Show & Tell was supposed to happen and nope it was not done either. When I ask Tornado what happened today he just said he played and had snack time. Another thing apparently Tornado and another child go into a fight/disagreement and he ended up punching the other kid, VERY WRONG, but at the same time the other kid pushed him too and nothing was done AND the other parents were not notified that this had happened. If I was that kids parent and found out another kid punched mine from their kid telling them I would be pissed that I was not informed. Oh I think I could go on and on about today but I will just leave it at that.
So what do you all think I should do??
I can't advise on what you should do, but I can weigh in on what you've done, and yes, that's the right thing. You taught your son that just because everybody else has decided to goof off and play when it's time to focus doesn't mean he has to follow the pack of proverbial lemmings off the cliff. Enough lessons like this and your son's name will be on the top of every short list for promotions in every job he has.