This was Tornado's first Christmas Concert!! He was so very excited and well we all know how boys can act with so much excitement bundled up. :)

Waiting not so patiently for Mrs. Monica

Not too sure what he is doing but at least he is sitting down.
Tornado and his class waiting to go on stage.

All smiles :)

Poor Tornado kept getting pushed out of the way by Connor...but we still got some good shots.
Grandma D got some good ones I think...I will share once I get them from her. :)

Tornado has given up and now he will just sing in the background.


Tornado can not get enough of Santa this year!!! And
every time it is the same gift he asks for!!

Something made them all laugh :)
There were also some crafts to do and goodies to eat.
Tornado just wanted to eat the cupcakes we brought and would not try anything else. Even though there were some very yummy things there.
That about sums up our night!
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