WOW I can not believe it has already been 2 weeks!!! How time flies by!!!
Here is what has been going on in my life this week:
~On the weekend we ventured out to Chuck E Cheese. Tornado had a blast!! Him and Dad buzzed around well I sat at our table with Meme. (We really need to get a universal stroller carrier so I can walk around too) We were there for about 2 hours!!
Well we were there I had to change biggie right?!?! Well that is what I thought too. I grab all the stuff needed for the bum change and make my way to the washroom. Clean off the change table, it appears I have become a germ freak since Meme was born. Than proceed to change her bum. Get her diaper off and than BAM it happens...
Meme sprays her poop all over the bathroom stall wall!!!
To make matters worse there is not garbage can in the stall...
the toilet paper sucks...
I have no extra hands and no way clean it up well attending to Meme...
at this point I wish I had my phone to message Hubby to come and get Meme so I can clean it up!!!
I did manage to get it all clean BUT it took awhile. I was not about to leave that mess for anyone else to walk in and find. It was gross and messy!!
When I got back to the table Hubby says that took awhile...
I say 'YEP' and tell him what happened.
He had nerve to ask me if I cleaned it up!!
~After we left Chuck E Cheese we ventured on over to Zellers. We were on a mission to buy Meme new sleepers BUT they did not have a very big selection. In the end we got a baby bath and a bouncer chair. (Little Einstein Bouncer chair for $35.00!!)
~That night Tornado came down with a fever of 103.6, not sure on the point part but it was high!! The panic set in!! I did not want Meme getting sick...but I did not want Tornado to feel like I was banishing him.
It was so very hard on him not to hug, kiss or hold Meme!! He loves her so much and just wanted to show her.
~Meme's umbilical cord fell off!!!
Well this sums up my Saturday!!!
We will skip right to Monday
~ We went to sleep Sunday night with very little snow...
and woke up to winter wonderland!!!
Apparently we are in winter storm warning!!
~Meme gave me a scare today. I thought she was getting sick because her temperature was 37.3 and well for this little girl that is high. She is usually around 36.6!! But after monitoring her for the morning I came to the conclusion that we were just fine.
~I kept Tornado home from school today because he had the fever all weekend long, nothing else to go along with it, but non the less he still had the fever. I would hate to send him and than he gets other children sick.
My hubby did not understand why I kept him home. He said 'Like any other parents would keep their kid home if they had a fever the day before.' He is absolutely right!!!
I just couldn't send him knowing there could be something wrong and take the chance of making others sick!!
That wraps up Monday!!
WOW we are already to Tuesday:
~ Went to the doctors in the morning. The wait was NUTS!! We were there for 2.5 hours!! YUCK!!!
In the end it turns out Tornado has an ear infection, we guessed this!! Did you know ear infections were contagious??? I surely did not!!
Meme is doing GREAT!!! She is now 6lbs 8oz and 20 inches long!! I no longer have to wake her to feed!! She does have some yellow discharge coming from her eyes SO Dr. Cindy-Anne did a swab just to be sure it is nothing.
That wraps up my Tuesday!!
Knick Knacks:
~ I decided on Friday I would let her go 4 hours at night instead of 3 you think she would go the 4 hours?!?! NOPE!! She woke up every 3 hours!!! Go figure!! LOL
~ Tornado is doing really really good with his listening skills!!! His school even pointed it out.
*now watch I have just jinxed myself*
~ One day this week I actually left Meme with Dad well I ran to Wal-mart!! This is a BIG step for me...I did not leave Tornado until my 6 week check up and that was just because he could not come with me to that appointment.
~My hubby is still helping out around the house and it is GREAT!!! This is a BIG thing for him because usually it is me doing all the house work. Thanks Babe I really appreciate it!!
This is Tornado's favorite sleeper on Meme!!
OMG!!!!! Hahahhhahahah!!!! I know it wasn't funny at the time but you seriously have to tell that story to her husband in the future, LOL!!!!! I can't stop laughing. Sorry buddy :)