Thursday's Useless Trivia and Facts

- Dust from the Sahara desert has been carried by the wind as far as Chicago.
- FBI statistic: 74% of threats against federal workers are directed at IRS employees.
- The British government has 100,000 cats on the payroll - they work as rat-catchers.
- Lemons and strawberries do not ripen after being picked. Avocados and bananas do.
- Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species sold out its entire first edition (1250 copies) in one day.
- Ex-Lax was originally called Bo-Bo's.
- In Switzerland, a Big Mac will cost you $5.11.
- One million dollars' worth of pennies would weigh 597,916 pounds.
- Some butterflies' tongues are twice as long as their bodies.
- More car model names start with the letter "C" than any other letter.
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