This weekend we ended up renting Toy Story 3 from the movie store. Tornado was in his glory!!
"Thaaattt'sss SSSOOO funny" followed by hysterical laughter is all we would hear from the bedroom. He watched the whole movie without a peep, which is very uncommon for him.
Than the next morning he said he wanted to watch it again. "No problem" I said. Well it was a BIG problem!! Tornado had taken it off the island and put it somewhere. I asked him where he had put it BUT the way he looks for things and remembers things is SO very frustrating!!
I spent at least an hour searching for this DVD. I looked everywhere and anywhere!! Under beds, in the couch, in cupboards, in toy boxes, in the garbage, in the bathroom!!! I mean I looked in the dumbest of places!!
In the end we had to go out SO I told him that he would have to use his money from Grandpa D. to pay the movie store for the DVD he had lost. That meant he could spend his money when we went out.
When we got home I again started to search for this freaking DVD!! I was just in shock, how could something just vanish!! Oh the longer I looked the more and more frustrated I got. SO I had to just give up and forget about it.
The next day comes and the DVD is still missing. I am still in shock. How could my son not remember what he did with it? Where the heck would he have put it? GAH!!
Than I am buzzing around cleaning and Tornado and Dad are in the living room and I hear "Look at what Tornado found." I make my way into the living room slowly...and BAM in Tornado's hand is the DVD!! "Where the heck was it? Because neither of us seen him come in here with it." I ask To our amazement it was in the DVD stand!! Did either of us think to look there...NO!! We both looked by the DVD players and by the T.V.'s but not the DVD stand!! LOL
So in the end Tornado sorta put it away in the correct spot BUT next time PLEASE tell us and don't let me spend endless hours and energy searching for a movie.
Ha! Too funny!