- Taco is Spanish for “plug.”
- Don’t blink! A 30-minute cartoon may contain over 18,000 separate drawings.
- One beehive can have as many as 80,000 bees.
- Winston Churchill once designed greeting cards for Hallmark.
- C.S. Lewis received more than 800 rejection letters before selling his first book.
- In the 1850s, Americans set their watches in as many as a hundred local times.
- Superman made his first flight in a DC comic in 1938.
- The full name of the Simpsons character Krusty the Klown is Herschel Schmoeckel Krustofski.
- Utah is home to the nation’s only major east-west range, the Uintas.
- New College (now Harvard University) started out in 1636 with nine students and one instructor.
**From Uncle John's Bathroom Readers**
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