I know I am so very late for posting this but like the good 'ole saying:
Better Late Than Never!!
This was the first road trip with Meme so I was already nervous about how it was going to go. Well it was the WORST trip EVER!! I am glad I was not driving!! I had more than enough stress and nuts in my tummy with just being the passenger.
I had been watching the weather network all week long, because if it was crappy weather we would NOT be making the trip up to Red Deer. Well it was good, or so we thought!! We hit a complete WHITE OUT/BLIZZARD on the way up. Every few minutes we seen a car/truck/van in the ditch. The thing that got me all worked up was:
A lady was in the lane beside us and in a split second spun out coming into our lane and than the ditch. She came within inches of hitting us!! OMG!!! My heart raced!! My hands were shaking!! I wanted to get off the road RIGHT NOW!! We were going to pull into Olds BUT the turn off was so deep in snow we could not take it. We drove ALL the way to Red Deer.
Than when we were almost at Red Deer we hear a voice from the back seat 'I have to go pee.' Anyone who has young children know they give you no warning. And the roads were NOT in any condition to pull over!! Thankfully he was able to hold it until we were able to stop!!
After that most stressful drive we made it safely to Cozy's house for her baby's shower!!
'Oh Meme what is your problem!!'
The shower was over and we had to make the decision as to whether we go home or spend the night. We decided to go home!!
Well as we get to Innisfail we here on the radio that it is Blizzard/white conditions and traveling is not advised!! GREAT!! So we pull into Innisfail and are about to run into the grocery store there to buy some formula...but than we see the RCMP building and decide to ask them what the road conditions are like. The RCMP officer says they are OK and the sanders have been out all day/night and if you drive safely it is fine.
OK that made our decision easy to continue our journey home.
WELL it was the same as the drive out, minus the spin out right in front of us, and the fact that is was now dark which meant it was harder to see. It was better for me that it was dark because I didn't see all the vehicle in the ditch BUT it made it worse for hubby. We both hate night time driving!! We did make it home safe and sound BUT let me tell you I WILL NOT be traveling that road until summer hits!!
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