Last Week we had a play date with some very wonderful people!!
Tornado had a BLAST!!!
We did not stay out for very long because the wind was chilly and a bit much for Meme.
BUT it was just enough to make him so very happy.
As an added bonus he got to go the McDonald's for lunch and to play in the playhouse area for a very long time!!
On the way home he asked me many questions:
1. Where does Saige live? When I told him the answer the was VERY excited she lived in the same city as us and that is was not too far from our house.
2. Where does Evan live? Well I only knew the city and not the area and that was not enough for him. LOL
3. On the way out he asked me if Chicken would be there. Well when I told him I did not think so he was VERY upset. (See CanadianMama Tornado does like Chicken!!)
4. The last question was: Can we do play dates all the time?? I REALLY LOVE THEM!!!
These play dates have really been fun and both of us are enjoying them!! It is really nice to be able to get out. It is really nice for myself and Tornado to build friendships too!!
We had so much fun too! It's too bad we discovered tobogganing at the end of winter. Makes me kinda.....KINDA hope for more snow just so we can go again :):)