Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday's Useless Trivia and Facts ~ January 13 2011

  1. Chronic alcoholism shrinks the left side of the brain.
  2. Survey shows: One in three British kids say their mum prefers the cat to their dad.
  3. Rats are not mentioned in the Bible.
  4. In Japan, you can buy Stick-on Belly-Button Cleaners. A box of six sells for $6.15.
  5. The okapi is the only known relative of the giraffe (its neck is much shorter).
  6. An erupting volcano can shoot ash as high as 30 miles into the atmosphere.
  7. Ammonia gets its name from the Egyptian god Amun.
  8. In 2004 the Russian Orthodox Church officially ruled that playing chess is not a sin.
  9. The bookkeeping terms "in the red" & "in the black" come from the colors of the 12th-century abacuses.
  10. New England is larger than England; New York is larger than York; New Jersey is larger than Jersey.

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