Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tell Me Tuesday ~ November 2 2010

It is that time again!!
Tell Me Tuesday!!

If your neighbour was having a baby would you buy them something for the baby? If so what?

Last Week I inquired about where you buy your groceries. I usually do my shopping at Co-op. I like going there because at the end of the year you get money back and most of the time they have really good deals on. We also so a lot of shopping at Costco. I also go where the deals are...so that being said there are weeks I end up at 4 different stores to complete my shopping list.

Other Tell Me Tuesdays:

Peek Thru Our Window


Tell Me Tuesday with Canadian Mama

Hosted by Canadian Mama


  1. Hmmmm. Depends on if I'm friendly with them or not. My neighbor was pregnant when they first moved here and since we never spoke I didn't buy anything. We are friendlier now though, so if she has another one, then I might send food over or something.

  2. I'm with Joy. I would only do it if we were friendly. BUT, I always make muffins or bread for new neighbors with a card welcoming them to the neighborhood (and with our contact information on it) so I would totally send over some food even if I didn't know them!
