Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Got The School Pictures In!!!
Tell Me Tuesday ~ November 30 2010
- Action figures ~ Halo, G.I. Joe, Army, Last Airbender ~ basically any action figure
- Crayola Color Wonder Sound Studio
- MobiGo
- Police and Fire Station House
- Moon Dough
- Beyblades with the Arena
- Red Rover Game
- Play-doh toys
- LEGO ~ Halo, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Toy Story
- Toy Story 3 for PS3
- Star Wars Toys
Be sure to check out:
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Baby Shower Nov. 27 2010
Today was your baby shower out in Red Deer. It was a special day because no one on Grandma C's side of the family were involved in your Big Brothers pregnancy. So to say the least I think it filled your Grandma's and Auntie's hearts to be able to through you a shower!!
You got spoiled!! And fun was had by all.
Mommy is thankful the roads had cleared up so that it was a stress free drive. :) Great Grandma L joined me and Tornado for the ride up too. Dad stayed home because well lets face it Baby showers are boring for guys. LOL
Tornado was right into the presents!! He was opening up other gifts as I was still looking at what you got from the previous one he had opened. LOL
Now on to the pictures:
Saturday, November 27, 2010

This weekend we ended up renting Toy Story 3 from the movie store. Tornado was in his glory!!
"Thaaattt'sss SSSOOO funny" followed by hysterical laughter is all we would hear from the bedroom. He watched the whole movie without a peep, which is very uncommon for him.
Than the next morning he said he wanted to watch it again. "No problem" I said. Well it was a BIG problem!! Tornado had taken it off the island and put it somewhere. I asked him where he had put it BUT the way he looks for things and remembers things is SO very frustrating!!
I spent at least an hour searching for this DVD. I looked everywhere and anywhere!! Under beds, in the couch, in cupboards, in toy boxes, in the garbage, in the bathroom!!! I mean I looked in the dumbest of places!!
In the end we had to go out SO I told him that he would have to use his money from Grandpa D. to pay the movie store for the DVD he had lost. That meant he could spend his money when we went out.
When we got home I again started to search for this freaking DVD!! I was just in shock, how could something just vanish!! Oh the longer I looked the more and more frustrated I got. SO I had to just give up and forget about it.
The next day comes and the DVD is still missing. I am still in shock. How could my son not remember what he did with it? Where the heck would he have put it? GAH!!
Than I am buzzing around cleaning and Tornado and Dad are in the living room and I hear "Look at what Tornado found." I make my way into the living room slowly...and BAM in Tornado's hand is the DVD!! "Where the heck was it? Because neither of us seen him come in here with it." I ask To our amazement it was in the DVD stand!! Did either of us think to look there...NO!! We both looked by the DVD players and by the T.V.'s but not the DVD stand!! LOL
So in the end Tornado sorta put it away in the correct spot BUT next time PLEASE tell us and don't let me spend endless hours and energy searching for a movie.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Friday's Funny ~ Kids Say The Darndest Things!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thursday's Useless Trivia and Facts ~ November 25 2010

- Average life expectancy for English people in the 16th and 17th centuries was 39.7 years.
- Animal fact: Octopi have three hearts.
- Waaaaaaaah! The average newborn baby spends 113 minutes a day crying.
- Gas fact: Cockroaches fart every 15 minutes.
- Cool thought: If it’s 0°F today and it’s going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?
- King James I cited the health hazards of smoking in his “Counterblaste to Tobacco” in 1604.
- The first Girl Scout troop was organized in Savannah, Georgia, on March 12, 1912.
- Robert F. Kennedy’s 11th child, Rory Elizabeth, was born six months after his death.
- Run DMC was the first rap group to perform on TV’s “American Bandstand.”
- The Rolling Hills Country Club in Florida was the setting for the movie Caddyshack.
**From Uncle John's Bathroom Readers**
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
First Snow Fall ~ November 16th 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tell Me Tuesday ~ November 23 2010

Last Week I asked about back up address books. It appears that I am the only one that is crazy enough to trust technology. LOL Everyone that answered said they had a back up or didn't even have all the information in their phones!!
This question came about because I recently had to take my cell phone in to get repaired. Well silly me had ALL my appointments on the calender on my cell and ALL the numbers I use on a regular basis. SO now I have lost all the information and probably will not get it back because I am assuming it will all be erased when I get my phone back.
End result: Lesson Learned!!
Be sure to check out:
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday's Useless Trivia and Facts ~ November 18 2010

- Taco is Spanish for “plug.”
- Don’t blink! A 30-minute cartoon may contain over 18,000 separate drawings.
- One beehive can have as many as 80,000 bees.
- Winston Churchill once designed greeting cards for Hallmark.
- C.S. Lewis received more than 800 rejection letters before selling his first book.
- In the 1850s, Americans set their watches in as many as a hundred local times.
- Superman made his first flight in a DC comic in 1938.
- The full name of the Simpsons character Krusty the Klown is Herschel Schmoeckel Krustofski.
- Utah is home to the nation’s only major east-west range, the Uintas.
- New College (now Harvard University) started out in 1636 with nine students and one instructor.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
When You Let Them Dress Themselves!!

"I need sunglasses today Mom. It is sunny outside." Tornado tells me
"Really?!? Honey it doesn't look that sunny out to me." I tell him as I look out our kitchen window
"Yes! I heard it was sunny. That is what they said on the news." replies Tornado
But yet he still need to have the mittens on and the winter boots on and the green frosty hat on(that is too small) because it was COLD out and he needed to be a SUPER WARM FROSTY MAN!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tell Me Tuesday ~ November 16 2010
How many of you out there actually have a back up copy of all the phone numbers and addresses that you have stored in your cell phone?
Last Week I asked for help with Tornado's preschool pictures. The outcome was...
Now I had lots of people ask me which was my favorite...after LOTS and LOTS of thought and just staring at the proofs I think #1 is my favorite because it shows more of his body. Number 3 is my second favorite because of the SMILE and it just looks fun!! The deciding factor for what pose to get rests on my hubbies shoulders...and he picks #1 but he too likes #3. And if we left it up to Tornado we would be getting all of them!! He just doesn't want to pick ONE!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
October 2010 Preschool Field Trip ~ Corn Maze
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Week 27 With Baby Surprise
- You like to give Mommy really really bad leg cramps at night. I am scared to stretch out because it just might lead to cramping. This is normal BUT I never had this with your Big Brother Tornado...and it HURTS like HELL!!!
- Daddy says you are going to wreck Mommy's boobs. LOL He says this because I have already gone up 2 cups sizes and well if I remember correctly after the milk settles in I will be up another cup size. It was REALLY funny when Daddy said that!!
- You are giving Mommy sooo many stretch marks!! Tornado did not give me very many at all!! But you are doing a very good job for the both of you. :) Tornado seen them the other day and thought I was hurt!! LOL
- I have had a pain at the top of my tummy for about a week or two now...I think I have pulled a muscle or my insides are splitting apart!! It comes and goes BUT when it is here it hurts!! I will have to be sure to ask the doctor about this. Asked the doctor about it and well it is normal...my belly is just growing when it hurts.
- I went for the horrible diabetes test this past Saturday. They have changed the drink and now it is soooo very gross!!! It did get you moving and doing flips like crazy though. :) Well you were doing your daily exercises I was feeling very gross and sick. I was not even allowed to chase the horrible taste away with water or gum. They would not let me have ANYTHING!! Thank goodness we only have to do that test once!! Doctor said it was all normal!! :)
- You are a very good baby at night too. *Knock on wood* You do all your moving around in the evening. :) The only time you kick me during the night is when I am trying to convince myself I don't have to get out of bed to grab a snack or go to the washroom.
Friday November 19 2010
Had a doctors appointment today. :) It was not with quack-a-doodle-doo!! The doctor that we seen was very nice and helpful and went over all the things I thought should be discussed. I might just look into getting her for my full time doctor. But anyways onto the results of the doctors appointment:
- Blood pressure 105/70 ~ She said that was good :)
- Belly measures in at 27 and a bit ~ right on track :)
- Baby Girls heart beat 140 :)
- Now for the big one...My weight 136 pounds!!! OUCH!!! I was 125pnds last check up and now 136!!! Started off at 105pnds and now 136pnds!!! OUCH!!! In case you all didn't notice I am absolutely shocked and horrified by this weight!! I was ok with 125pnds but my god 136pnds!!
Well that about wraps it all up for this update.
Recipe Of The Week ~ Kickin' Chicken
This is one of my family's favorite recipes!! It is super easy to make and YUMMY!!
KICKIN' CHICKENBarbecue in the winter? Why not - it's all done in the oven. Juicy chicken drumsticks are coated with a slightly sweet barbecue sauce offering a taste of summer while the snow is still flying.
- Nonstick cooking spray
- 8 chicken drumsticks
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 2 cloves of garlic, minced or 1 tsp bottled minced garlic
- 2 tsp cooking oil (optional, I never use it)
- 3/4 c barbecue sauce
- 1/4 c ketchup
- 1/4 c orange juice or water (I have never tried it with OJ...just water)
- 2 tbsp brown sugar
- 2 tbsp light molasses or maple-flavored syrup (never tried the molasses...always us maple syrup)
- Several dashes of hot pepper sauce (optional ~ again never tried it because Tornado HATES spicy things)
- Preheat oven to 375F
- Lightly coat a 15x10x1 - inch baking pan with cooking spray. (I use what ever baking dish is close by) Arrange chicken in a prepared baking pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
- Meanwhile, for sauce, in a medium saucepan combine garlic, barbecue sauce, ketchup, water/OJ, brown sugar, molasses/syrup, and hot sauce; heat through.
- Pour sauce over chicken. Cover with a lid and place in oven. Cook until done. About an hour!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday's Useless Trivia and Facts

- The fastest recorded tennis serve? 153 miles per hour.
- The woolen swimsuits that people wore at the turn of the 20th century weighed about 20 pounds when wet.
- Australia is the only continent on Earth without an active volcano.
- The brain of a reptile accounts for less than 1% of its body mass.
- When it's written out as "forty," 40 is the only number whose letters are in alphabetical order.
- In Hartford, Connecticut, it's against the law to educate a dog.
- The ostrich is the only bird with eyelashes.
- Studies show: English speakers say “uh” before a short pause and “um” before a long pause.
- Obsidian—volcanic glass—is so sharp it’s still used today in cardiac and eye surgery.
- Among mammals: the colder the climate, the shorter the legs.
**From Uncle John's Bathroom Readers**
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Final Inspection
I've had to work most Sundays,
Remembrance Day ~ Lest We Forget

The first Remembrance Day was observed in 1919 throughout the countries of the British Commonwealth. Originally called Armistice Day, this day commemorated the end of the First World War on Monday, November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m. ~ the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.That is what it is.
Here's why it is...Historically speaking, Remembrance Day is a day that "Canadians pause in a silent moment of remembrance for the men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict and peace.

by John McCrae, May 1915
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Lest We Forget