Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010!!

This year was Tornado's first HALLOWEEN party at his preschool!! He was so very excited!! He picked out his costume and there was no changing his mind on this one, it was very cute. Now me being the bad mom forgot to bring along my camera to get the group picture BUT I do have a few mom's that will email them to me. :) When I get them I will be sure to share!!

The morning before his party.
Chopping up his head! LOL
Now here I think he believes he is a witch skeleton!!
The face paint did not stay on for long though. I had to take it off before we left for preschool because it was making his face TOO itchy!! He told me he would be a VERY special skeleton because his face was not painted.
He even went around making the sound of chattering bones!! This was a great day!! For him but not for me. LOL He came home from the party just WIRED!! It is not a good idea to stuff the kids full of candy at 915AM and than send them home at 1115AM. But we survived the day and now I have an idea what to look forward to for Sunday. LOL
When I asked him what he did at preschool this is what he told me:
We played BINGO!! I had to make a line!!
We played bowling!!
We did crafts!!
We had CANDY!!
And at the end of the day they got to come around to all of us parents and Trick or Treat with the bags they had made!!


  1. That sounds like a fun day!!! Tornado looks great as a skeleton, and I don't blame him one bit for wanting the paint off....I was that kid too :)

    Happy Halloween, be safe!!

  2. Super cute Skeleton - hopefully he has so much fun today!
